VI. Gravity Man

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Great, an Anti-Gravity Research Institution is where Gravity Man is hiding. Sigh. It fits his name at least. Still all the shifting gravity keeps messing with my systems. When I made it to Gravity Man he was on the ceiling. "Welcome Mega Man! I see you made it past all the changes in gravity."

I equipped the Star Crash. "Yeah, so why don't you just surrender so we don't have to fight?"

"Heh eh eh. And yet you still clamour for peace. Listen here. I was built to destroy you or lose trying. I intend to do so."

He ran over and lifted his arms. I started to float up, so I used the Star Crash to prevent myself from getting damaged. He shot at me and I slid out of the way. When he lifted his arms again I used the Star Crash to hit him.

"I always hated space! So little gravity out there! And Star Man, oh how I hated his love for space! His weapon only hurts because it acts like a tiny counter balance to my power."

"Because stars are technically sun's that generate their own gravity."

"Bravo! You found out how my weakness works. Why were we designed with weaknesses to the others makes no sense to me. Oh well. It doesn't matter. I just want Crush you under the weight of a ton of Gravity and be done with you!"

He aimed at the floor and I fell towards it. He started to laugh like a maniac as the ceiling came crashing down upon me. I couldn't escape in time, but I was able to activate the Star Crash again to protect me. When Gravity Man stopped he had a smile of glee. "I've done it! I defeated Mega Man! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! After the first 44 Robot Masters failed, I knew I would win!"

I stood up out of the rubble and Gravity Man stopped laughing. "Guess again. I ran towards him with the Star Crash activated, knocking him down and out for good. Let's hope the next one doesn't go all crazy on me like Gravity Man.

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