III. Wave Man

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So, Wave Man has a water treatment plant taken over. This is going to be a theme isn't it? I mean Mega City isn't as huge as some other cities but, why does every aquatic Robot Master takes over this place. Is it a trend? I mean after every attack they renovate the place.

I'm getting really tired of coming here. Although it is nice to see the new design before it changes again. I like the fast travel tube system, it's like a water slide! There's also bubbles that you can ride to the top, unfortunately the pop after a bit and you have to jump around. Small bubbles pop fast while bigger bubbles pop after a bit.

After getting through all of that I saw a large section of water between me and Wave Man's door. That's when a jet ski popped up in front of me. I looked around, being careful that it might be a trap. I jumped on after determining it was safe and as I was making it to the other side a giant squid robot popped up, luckily there was a screen for a weakpoint. I shot that and made it to Wave Man.

"Ah so the brave Mega Man has made it to me. Ready to be destroyed?"

"You're not the first overconfident robot master I've faced, you know," I said as I equipped the Charge Kick.

He started crying. "How dare you insinuate that I'm over confident. I'm..." He looked down. "I'm just brave! You may have defeated Charge Man, and you might beat me, but I will give it my all."

He punched the ground with his arm cannon and the ground started to shoot up water straight towards me. I jumped and slid towards Wave Man as he aimed his harpoon at me. I was able to hit him but he scrapped my helmet. "Augh!" We both screamed.

I slid into him again and hit him as he jumped to the other side. "Argh! Why you little!"

He started to flail his one arm wildly, shooting harpoons in all directions. I slid into him again and he jumped into the middle. We continued this pattern four more times until he fell. "Heh. I guess I didn't have what it takes to get to defeat you."

"Don't worry, Wave Man, we'll get you fixed up and able to serve a better purpose."

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