Part 3 - I won't let you go

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Stevie had kicked Lindsey out of her condo, not that he wasn't expecting it, but as much as he had explained his love for her and that a new child would not pull them apart... she just could not take a man away from another woman that was pregnant; it was the good in Stevie that everyone loved her for, though her actions often killed herself in the process...

Lindsey called her every day, every night, almost on the hour and Karen would always refuse him. It was driving him insane, almost as if it was the 80s all over again! The lack of inspiration; the loss of her kiss and touch - nothing could ever compare to that, unless he sat down and thought about the three children that he already had. Yes, he had wanted to be a father for many years and yes, he'd always wanted Stevie to be a mother, but he still loved his creations; never would Lindsey regret his children but he wasn't sure how long it would take to be with out Stevie.

He'd drive passed her condo, the lights always off, Lindsey assuming that she was back in Malibu, sitting outside her gate for hours and contemplating what he would say. It was just, what would he say? I've divorced and we can start over?  No, he hadn't divorced Kristen at all; the papers were still sitting in his studio desk. That was one thing about Lindsey that he couldn't do, be alone, and right now he couldn't muster going through a divorce and losing Stevie at the same time. But did Stevie actually make this break up official?

Sitting in her bedroom with all of her candles lit, she doodled in her journal, once again having ranted about the turmoil of her and Lindsey's relationship. The last time she saw him was a month ago, the night she found out Kristen was pregnant again, she'd most likely be two months by now. Oh, how Stevie wished to have his child - to be in the other woman's place. What a mistake she had made many moons ago but there was no going back, just the memories and dreams that filled her head at night, which some weren't always like dreams; some were angry nightmares that led to night sweats! She needed his touch, his kiss, and his love; being in a cold bed alone in Fall was heartbreaking. They were making plans, making a new future together, and here they were at point blank...

Another month passed by and the pain of not seeing each other for such a long period of time, it was functional but still something both of them thought of daily. What would the other see when they would finally see each other face to face?

A studio was rented out by the whole band, Stevie planning on bringing her demos in to the mix, Christine and Lindsey only being the ones to have created new material; all of this hold up was Stevie's doing and she felt it was time to bring herself out in to the world again. If she was to continuously coop herself up in her home, that would only hinder the project more, and all of them were way too old for that now. It was now of never.

Her sunglasses sat on the brim of her nose, stepping out of the SUV and in to the studio, clutching her black fringe purse. This was home, this was what felt natural to her; making music that is.

She could hear Christine laughing on the other side of the rented studio door, removing her sunglasses as she hung them on the side of her purse, every bone in her body shaking. Lindsey's presence was already affecting her and for a moment she about fled but made herself turn back around, having to show Lindsey that she was still strong and independent - though deep down she wasn't, not anymore, not with out him.

Opening the door, the other four band members turned, Christine being the first to greet Stevie as they exchanged a warm welcoming hug. Stevie had missed her old friend and if anyone knew anything about the relationship of Buckingham Nicks, it was Christine McVie!

"Oh - love, look at you!" complimented Christine. "Stevie, you are looking fabulous as always! Is your hair lighter?" touching the end of one of her strands.

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