Part 14 - Promises and vows

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Lily, Stevie's new pup, jumped up on to her lap while she went over wedding plans. Her dress was so very important and Margi Kent was hired to address to it perfectly; of course it involved parades of chiffon!

"I want it to be beautiful, Margi, out of this world! I want to make Lindsey melt at the alter," described Stevie. "I've known him all my life and I must make myself look his bride."

"Oh, Stevie," chuckled Margi, "...that is the most simple of tasks, believe me!" pulling out her sketch pad as she began drawing out what Stevie inquired.

"It may seem simple and easy for someone else but after all these years, I still find the need to impress him."

"And we will," smiled Margi, continuing her sketch of the long layered chiffon gown that had white mixed in to the mostly black skirt.

The results in the sketch were remarkable  and Stevie couldn't wait to be measured properly, Margi leaving to head to her studio while Stevie continued writing out her own plans, biting the end of her pencil as she curled up on the couch.

Lindsey had just recently moved in to Stevie's home in Malibu, his divorced officially finalized and free to the woman that he belonged to for over fifty years. It warmed his heart with the way they'd been getting along, watching her grow closer and closer to being his wife, seeing the excitement in her eyes when she'd speak of it. He had everything he'd ever hoped for.

Knowing that Margi was gone, Lindsey felt comfortable enough to enter the Family room, staring at Stevie as she tapped the pencil against her notebook.

"Need some help, baby?" breaking his silence and causing Lily to perk up with a bark, running to the other side of the couch as he sat. "Hey, Lily girl, how's mama doing with her planning?" scratching behind the dog's ears.

Stevie smiled, covering up what she had been working on and laying the notebook on the coffee table.

"Aren't you going to share what you and Margi went over?" asked Lindsey, overly curious, knowing Stevie planned something fabulous.

"Well, I don't know, isn't that bad luck?" cocking her head as she crossed her legs.

"Just curious, baby, I know you have something up your sleeve," scooting close to wrap an arm around her shoulders. He kissed her cheek as she turned her head, finding his lips.

"The only thing I can reveal to you is that it'll be me, very me."

"No color scheme? What kind of suit will I be wearing?"

"White," bringing her hand up to touch the part of his chest exposed from the v-neck tee.

"Not black?"  surprised in the choice.

"Well, my dress will be mostly black but there's some white tossed in; I want to balance it on some so it doesn't look so drab."

He laughed, snuggling close, one hand on her thigh. "There's not a chance that you would ever look drab."

"I want to be so beautiful for you, Lindsey," laying her head on his shoulder.

"That doesn't take much effort."

Stevie felt her heart skip, his loving words of her were exceptional. "There's nothing more that I want than to hear you call me, beautiful."

"I'll tell you that always, always be beautiful to me."

Just then, Lindsey's youngest child began to cry, Stevie immediately attending to him in the nursery as she sung a lullaby in his ear. "Oh my precious boy, I am here," rocking him in her arms gently. Lindsey had custody on all weekends, Stevie slowly but surely become the mother she'd been born to be. "I know - I know, it's okay," laying him down to change his diaper, attending to the rash around his upper thighs. "There you go, shhh..." applying some special cream to the irritated skin, putting on a new diaper. "How's that?" lifting him in her arms then cuddling him against her chest, his cries now just tiny hiccups.

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