Part 13 - Worth the celebration

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Being that it was Lindsey's birthday, there was a party set up at his home, the one that he had yet to move out of. It was concerning on many levels for Stevie, one being that she was the woman Lindsey was divorcing his wife for and two, the reactions she feared out of his children.

"Hey," Lindsey began, reaching out to take her hand, "...everything is going to be alright, everyone knows."

"It just feels so weird being around your family, in your home, knowing that you'll soon be occupying my home instead."

He smiled, wrapping his arm around her middle, standing in his driveway. "You are more than welcome here by everyone."

They made their way inside and his three oldest children greeted him, all wanting hugs and kisses from their "hero" dad, wanting just as much attention from Stevie. That helped her tremendously as she was greeted by other parts of the family, like his brother and sister in law, cousins, nieces, and nephews. Lindsey wasn't for parties like this usually but he figured that he owed this to all of them for the shocking decision on ending his marriage.

Stevie caught the attention of Kristen, the younger woman eyeing the older as Greg cuddled in her arms, it bringing tears to Stevie's jealous eyes. That woman had everything but as the night went on she realized she was the one that indeed had everything, Lindsey was the prize here and though her ache for a child was lingering, love was what she had to focus on at this point in her life. Love with Lindsey, and that was the most beautiful reward.

"Stevie," Kristen approached Stevie, placing a hand on her shoulder as she turned, "...can we talk?"

Nodding, Stevie smiled gradually, following the younger woman in to an office on the first floor, the door closing behind both of them.

"I know that this is just as uncomfortable for me as it is you but I want to try and be decent here, though I know I should be angry," said Kristen. "I do feel the need to apologize to you for everything though, everything that I may have caused between you and Lindsey; I know that you've always loved each other and I had no right to interfere. I saw him, I liked him, I grew attached and felt I could be happy with him. I just never knew that I had somewhat purposely took your place and though I love my children and the life that he has been able to give me, I now know that it never rightfully belonged to me. I'm sorry, Stevie, I let myself believe that I could make it with a much older man."

"Kristen," Stevie took a step forwards, " don't have to apologize, I never made myself clear to where I stood in Lindsey's life - plus I wanted him to be the family man that he'd always dreamed of; I could never make him a father and it had been selfish to keep him all to myself when he wanted more. You helped him become softer and kinder, not as brass, so for that I am definitely thankful! It's the hardest situation I've ever been in to let him go but don't think that taking him back isn't as hard, I am not wanting to take him away from your children at all, and I would never take their place as their mother."

"You're kind, sweet, and generous; my children have never been so close to a real life Godmother than you. I don't want there to be any hard feelings between us and I don't want you to think that you are not welcome in their lives because you are, always will be. Lindsey has not belonged to me in many years and this is my decision as well as his so please," taking Stevie's hands, "...don't think that I have anything against you. It's not anyone's fault for who they fall in love with and I am graciously letting him move on, move on to another chapter of his life, the life that I know deep down he's always needed from you."

Brought to tears, Stevie took Kristen in to her arms, thanking her for not being angry or hateful towards what Lindsey wanted; Kristen wasn't of course happy but she had to go with what was being dealt and she knew Lindsey needed out.

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