Chapter 5 [Run, Don't Stop]

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Desiree's P.O.V

The sickening taste of vomit fumed my mouth. I wanted badly to spit but I was riding in the backseat of a police car.

My heart felt torn.. I don't know where Mason was. And he was my world. Why the bloody hell would I live if it wasn't for Mason.

He was my brother. He was a damsel when the officer was taking him. I'm supposed to be his protecter, guardian, his knight.

But I failed. I failed him..

I sat back in my seat. Already feeling tiny in size comparison to the vehicle. I looked to my right..

My mind raced, hoping if I close my eyes and reopen them Mason would be sitting there. With his goofy grin and talking nonsense. Just imagining him with my closed eyes made me shine, like the world would stop if I just saw him there.

But when I looked at the empty seat that sickening vomit taste lingered in my mouth, and my smile faltered than fell.. Fell so far that I would never be able to pick it up.

My eyes watered but I just rubbed the tears away. I wasn't going to cry.. I would never cry, Mason never liked it.

My bloodshot eyes flickered and I looked back out.. There was a big blue sky with white fluffy cloud.. Mason called it a cotton ball that fell in a upside down sink.

However my brain couldn't help imagine it as a dark red sky with rainy cloud. With a gloomy setting..

The felt the car holt to a stop. I flew forwards and hit the seat in front of me. I groan and pushed myself back on my seat.

"Are you ok?" The lady officer asked. Turning around to look at me.

I glared at her than replied, "I'm fine.." I told her. I than proceed to mumble, "it's your fault you cock-up.."

I saw her looked at me through her mirror. I only gave her a sicklying smile. She pulled into a parking lot than parked.

Looking out the window I saw a big hospital. My heart began to race and my stomach twist into a knot. I felt my brunch beginning to come up but I quickly scolded at myself mentally and it settle with its taste in my mouth.

My side of the car was pulled open. My eyes was wide. But I calmed when I saw it was the officer.

"It's that the hospital?" I asked pointing to the building. The lady looked at it.

"Yeah, it is.." She told me gently. I took this time to jump out of the car and ran.

And I kept running. I didn't look back. I heard screaming.. As if everything was in slow motion.

I ran with my slippers clapping against the concrete, my dress flailing behind me.

Run, don't stop

I kept running. Huffing as I did so. The lady wasn't keeping a job of catching up to me.

"Max grabbed her!" I could hear a female voice yell.

Run, don't stop. There gonna catch you!

I ran, I ran as fast as I can. But I started slowing my pace. My legs were burning and I was desperate for air.

I felt heavy arms grab my burning arms. I found a voice to scream for me.

I turned and pounded the person.

"Max thank god you caught her," I froze. I heard that voice. Turning around I looked at Demi right in the eyes.

"Hey Desiree, everything's going to be alright ok? Let's go see Mason." The relief that hit me was probably the best thing in the whole world.

Max, who was Demi's Body Guard handed me to Demi. I clung onto her next. Demi didn't seem to be one to lie.

I knew she was taking me to Mason. And that was the best feeling ever.

Chat Wall Problems~

A/n: hey guys, I just wanted to say I don't know why my chat wall don't wanna work.
It says I gotta resend my email? It's confusing. Can you guys help me cause I feel bad not being able to talk to y'all and my Chat wall doesn't want to work.

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