Chapter 7 [Just A Check Up]

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Demi's P.O.V

I snapped a quick picture of the siblings reunion.. I couldn't help but awe at there hug. But it was heart broken at how Inseparable the pair was.

I took the picture and went onto my Twitter, I posted the picture with the following caption
@ddlovato Look at these two inseparable munchkins! Meet these two and couldn't be apart from each other for a few minutes-
Desiree And Mason's Reunion 🎉

Within two or less seconds comments came scrolling in.. I couldn't help but be so happy when the good comments came into play..

*SweetHeart123 Omg their too cute! Where do I get a pair of siblings like that?

*1DLover789 Their the cutest cuties ever! How'd you meet them?

*HappyWolfWeirdo Ok, where do I sign up to kidnap these cuties?

I couldn't help but smile at the nice comments. But with good comes with bad. There always haters online, and they just had to comment on my good picture?

*HowToHateDemi101 Wow, the little girls a fat pig, defiantly a munchkin, she's a little fat ball

*LookIdiots Why the boy crying? I haven't seen my dad in fucking five years, tell him to grow the hell up

*UglyBitchDemiHere Wow, this fucking great, we got ugly Demi interested in ugly homeless hobos? Wow not anything new, I wouldn't even hit that little girls ass if I was fucking Jesus Christ..

*FuckOff1234 Wow, I hope that little girl goes through hell! Let her be raped and beat she looks like a fatass homeless. Come on Dems you can do better.

I couldn't help be angered by the bad comments. 'Hit dat ass?' 'Raped and beat?' 'Grow the fuck up?' 'Homeless?'

Number one, these are little kids, why the hell would someone say that they'll not even hit dat ass? She's fucking six! Excuse my French.

Number two, rape and beat? God only knows what they have and will been through. I wouldn't even wish that on the biggest bitch in the world,
(and we all know that's Abby Lee Miller..)

Number three, Mason is three he's aloud to fucking cry!

Number four, they don't know how fucked up it is to call a little kid homeless.

It made me smile as my fans threaten and fired back at the haters. I knew who the real fans are.

But I couldn't help but wipe the tears from my eyes. The cruelness in people were outrageous.

But I quickly looked up to see Mason waddling up to the doctor while Desiree watched from afar of Mason playing with the kid toys in the corner.

"I don't have to drink it after right?" Mason asked the doctor curiously. He was gesturing towards the plastic container in his hands where you well urinate for analysis.

Even with the tears and lump in my throat I threw my head back and laughed at Mason's remark.

The doctor smiled warmly and bent down to his level. "No sweetie, just pee in the cup ok?" She said warmly. She had a hint of laughter in her voice, her face and eyes filled with amusement.

"Ha, she said pee.." Mason said wandering off to the directed bathroom for him.

"Hey, doc," I said kind of whistling her over.

"Oh yes Ms Lovato," she said turning her smiling eyes over to me.

"Does Mason have an ADHD problem?" I asked quiet curios. Mason acted the way Alex did when he was younger.

"Yes, he does but it's no problem. He's just full with energy. Like a girl with ADHD. Being a boy with that problem is tough however he's handling it very maturely even though it doesn't seem like it. It's actually the most controlled ADHD I've ever seen. He doesn't even need to be on meds," she explained to me.
I nodded however I turned my head when I heard yelling.

"Mason just aim into the cup!" I heard Desiree yell. I looked over to see Desiree with her ear pressed against the bathroom door.

"But Desiree I barely know how to use the potty.." He yelled back. "Um, Desiree?" Mason asked a second after his last comment.."

"Yes Mason?" Desiree replied back.

"Is my pee supposed to go up or down?"

"Oh Mason," she groaned resting her head on the door.

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