Chapter Two

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3 hours later


I sat up in bed with the worst headache I've ever suffered from in my entire life. I could feel my brain throbbing and I felt my stomach tense up and I knew I had to throw up. I looked around the unfamiliar room and saw the toilet in clear view, I hopped up out the bed and ran to it. I held my hair back as I leaned over the toilet and released what felt like, every meal I've ever ate. I got up and washed my mouth out with Listerine that was on the counter.

"Ooohhhh yea baby just like that." My head instantly flew up from the sink and I wondered where I was and who was fucking. I sat on the bed as I try to remember everything that happened earlier. It slowly came back to me as I remember falling asleep in Icy's Ferrari. I frowned as I heard a loud groan come from the next room. I rolled my eyes as I got up and walked towards the door. I'd be damned if I sat in his house while he fucked the next bitch knowing that I liked his black ass.

I passed the room where all the moaning was coming from and walked downstairs. I was on my way out the door when I heard someone call my name. I quickly turned around and smiled but that was replaced with a look of confusion.

"Wait so if you're down here then whose up st-," Icy got up from the couch looking pissed.

"You need to mind yo business and you shouldn't be snooping around my shit like it's yours." This nigga was being real rude. I didn't want to piss him off because DJ once told me that Icy was deadlier than him but he wasn't about to talk to me no any kind of way.

"First off I wasn't snooping around they were loud as fuck up their. Secondly I didn't ask ya ass to bring me here you did on your own. Lastly you right this ain't my shit so take me home." Icy just stood looking at me and I felt uncomfortable.

"You know what you right let me take yo ungrateful ass home to ya crazy ass moms and crackhead ass aunt." I rolled my neck and places my arms across my chest as he walked to the sofa and slid on his Nike slides.

He was moving to slow for me so I walked outside to his car. When I was about to grab the door handle to get in I heard the doors locked. I frowned as I walked back inside ready to fuck some shit up.

"Look it's obvious that you don't want me here and I don't want to be here, now can you come on and take me home before I end up getting locked out please." I wasn't about get kicked out for his stubborn ass.

"Iight let's go,"he growled before walking out the door. I stood in the middle of the floor as I watched him disappear into the darkness of the night. After a few seconds I walked out and got in the car. Icy was no longer moving in slow motion. I guess all I had to do was say please and that'll get me pretty far. The drive halfway to my house was silent until Icy turned the radio off and started to speak.

"I know DJ taught you better than that Mónéy." I looked over at him confused as hell.

"What are you talking about?"

"Mónéy you know exactly what I'm talking about. What the fuck was you doing smoking, then you was smoking something from Remy's ass I know DJ told you to stay away from her. If that nigga was still here you know he wouldn't approve of this,"he scolded. He was right DJ wouldn't approve of any of the decision that I'm made since he died a few days ago, but he was no longer here so I was going to do whatever I wanted to.

"Yea well DJ isn't here, he left me alone so now I'm doing what's best for me."

"What's best for you? Tell me what you think is best for you. Hanging with Remy's crazy ass and doing coke, that's what's best?" He continue to talk but I was no longer listening. My mind was stuck on him saying Remy and coke in the same sentence. I knew one thing, if that was coke that bitch gave me I'm kicking her ass tonight.

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