Chapter Seventy

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"How long has she been missing ma'am," the police officer asked Franklin. I rubbed my chin and looked at the clock that sat on my wall. Every time the long hand would move, my trigger finger itched. Luckily there wasn't too many officers here. I wasn't even worried about no fuck ass cops right now. I couldn't get the image of my dead son out my head. He was an innocent baby that didn't deserve that shit. I knew Mónéy's sister didn't have shit to do with it but I needed somebody to blame. My moms rubbed my back as she talked to the officer.

"No. No enemies at all. Everybody loved Chanel. I don't see who would want to do something like this to her," Franklin said, sounding all soft and shit. The officer nodded his head and glanced over at me.

"Who's that," he questioned. My mother glanced at me briefly before answering.

"He's the father of Chanel's child officer," my moms explained. The police nodded his head as he jotted some more notes down. I was so zoned out that, I didn't even notice that they were searching every inch of my house.

"Everything will be ok son," Franklin said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I scrunched up my face and jerked my body fowards. I didn't need a square like him telling me it was gon be good when I already knew that. I was gon kill Myles anyways, but now imma make his ass suffer.

"Uh Dave, you might wanna take a look at this," a younger looking cop said as he held up a tape from the security footage. I leaned forward, unphased by the tapes. I had already knew who did it, I just didn't know where his bitch ass was. The officer who was once talking to my mom, was now making his way toward the nigga with the tape in his hand.

"This brings back so many memories. Your father used to have so many cops after his ass. We'll find her, ok baby," my mother said rubbing my back. I chewed on my jaw and nodded my head.

"Around what time did you say you discovered your son's body again," the female detective asked for the fourth time. I was ignoring her ass on purpose, she was only looking out for herself and her job, not justice for my son. I had the feeling that she was trying to say that I set this whole thing up.

"Detective I thought I already told you that my son needs sometime. Now if you ask him anymore questions involving his deceased son, then we'll have a problem," Franklin spoke up. The detective looked at me hard before walking away.

"That bitch was getting on my nerves," my moms said. I ran my hand over my face and watched as the rookie looking cop, pushed the tape in the VCR. Not wanting them to see something out of the ordinary from me, my moms grabbed the remote and fast forward to early today.

"That was necessary because....….?" The detective questioned as she eyed my moms.

"Because I don't need yo nosey ass all in my son's daily doings," she snapped. As the detective and my moms went back and forth, I tuned them out and watched the video.

Its started off with Chanel opening the door and letting some white lady and a bunch of other people dressed in aprons and tuxedos come in my house. Everything seemed fine at about nine thirty, no sight of Myles, no nothing. It wasn't until the camera read twelve forty-five, things started to get suspicious and by things I meant Toni. I watched as she paced the floor of the foyer nervously as she talked on the phone.

"Hey there's the missing person. Where's she going," the rookie cop  called out.

"Basement. That's where all my shit was," I mumbled. My moms zoomed in on camera two, just as Chanel walked into the basement. She was searching for something, until she finally came across it. The whole kitchen was silent as we watched to see what would happened next.

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