Chapter Forty-Two

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"Remy I miss you and I want you to come home. This still is yo damn home, why you playing games. I'm hungry as fuck and I want you to come home and cook me dinner. The house is dirty and shit! Why would you leave me like this? See the next time I see you imma hurt you......... Nahh you know I'm just talking, I ain't gon' hurt you. I miss you Remy, c-call me back when you get this." I rolled my eyes before throwing the phone next to me.

"Well he seems apologetic," Dr. P joked. I rolled my eyes while her and her sister-in-law laughed at my situation. I wanted so badly to curse them out but, I was thankful for them. Dr. P opened her home up to me, and her sister-in-law Denise, has respected me and didn't make me feel uncomfortable. I'm grateful that I have a place to lay my head, but I do miss Jamal, a lot.

"He's drunk, wait 'til he sobers up. I bet he won't feel the same in the morning. He'll be team Mónéy, until he dies," I sighed. Dr. P and Denise looked at me sadly. I rolled my eyes as memories of Jamal flooded my mind.

"Poor baby, you still can use this to your advantage," Denise said sipping on her wine. I gave her a confused glare and she looked over at Dr. P, who was looking at her phone.

"Oh ok, that Brian guy is on his way, I'm spending the night at his house so don't wait up," Dr. P said before getting up and rushing to her bedroom. I smirked as I fluffed my pillow, at least one of us was going to get it in before the night was over with.

"Oh no, I know you aren't going to sleep already, it's only eight forty two," Denise whined. I looked at her before looking at the clock on the wall. As tired as I was, I knew that if I didn't speak to Denise now, she was going to talk me to death tomorrow morning. I sighed reluctantly before propping my feet under me. She smirked at me and poured herself another glass of wine, she was drinking that shit like it was water.

"So what's up," I asked. I watched as she downed her fourth glass of wine. She placed her glass on the table before looking at me and burping.

"Nothing really, I just need someone to talk to about my marriage. Even though my husband's sister is a shrink, I still can't get through to her. Patricia is always on her brother's side. I don't care if you don't have the answers, I just want someone to listen," she stated. I nodded my head and motioned for her to continue. She sighed before sitting Indian style on the floor.

"Ok as you already know, I'm married to Patricia's brother. We've been married for a good while and I love him to death, there's just one problem though," she said looking down at her hands.

"Let me guess, he's cheating on you. Well join the club Denise. All these human beings with penises attached to them will cheat. A bitch is lucky to find a good dude floating on earth," I said shrugging my shoulders. She scrunched her face up and shook her head.

"First off that's never an issue between Robert and I. One thing his ass would never do is cheat on me. I give him too much for him to go sleep with the next bitch. Secondly you have issues and I'm glad you're talking to someone about it, but the real reason why I'm here and not a home with my husband is because I'm on my way to bankruptcy. He gave me ten thousand dollars last week and I blew through it, like the shit was nothing," she said frowning. I looked up at the ceiling before chuckling.

"So wait, your husband isn't cheating on you," I asked. She shook her head and I rolled my eyes. Everybody's man seemed to be doing right by them except mine. Jamal wasn't technically mine but still, Mónéy knew how I felt about him.

"Robert is a lot of things but a cheater and liar isn't in his category. I'm just frustrated with myself, like how could I spend that much money in a whole week. My spending habits have gotten out of control. I use to get fifteen grand a month but he reduced it done to 10k. I wonder what he's thinking, as he looks at the balance in our account," Denise stated.

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