Chapter Forty-Five

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"On a scale from one to ten, how positive are you that, you not pregnant with my baby," questioned the ringleader's brother. I rolled my eyes and continued to Google baby names. I was enjoying myself until he called, fucking up my mood with all these damn questions.

"I'm a thousand percent sure that this isn't your kid." I assured him for the twentieth time since we've been on the phone. I heard him smack his lips.

"How do you know? We fucked plenty of times and I don't recall using a condom or pulling out. So come wit' some shit better than that," he demanded. I sighed dramatically before thinking of the right thing to say. I knew hands down that this was the ringleader's brother baby but I couldn't let him know that. If he were ever to find out, then Icy and I would never have a chance at being together.

"Look nigga, this ain't yo baby, it's Icy's! I'm two months pregnant fool, the time doesn't add up. Sorry to rain on your little parade but I have to go, and don't call my phone no more. Whatever you need to discuss with me tell it to your sister," I yell before hanging up on him. I sighed and rubbed my belly. I was only six weeks pregnant but I still talked to my flat ass stomach, in hopes of my angel listening.

"That crazy man thinks he's your daddy. We both know that you're Icy Jr. Or little Toniesha," I cooed to my belly. I had been staying low-key for a few days because I didn't want to be bothered with the ringleader. She'd call every once in a while but I would forward her call or put her number on the block list. I had been so wrapped up with her and her brother, that I haven't spoken to my own in almost two months.

We had made plans to go out for lunch and I was more than anxious to hear about my brother's life. He and I had been close ever since he came into my life. I always wanted a big brother, and my mother was more than happy to adopt him, just for my happiness. I ran my fingers through my hair as I slipped my feet into my black Keds. I had chosen to dress casual today, in a black shirt that fell off both of my shoulders and some black leggings.

My phone rung in my purse and I hopped up from the couch to get it. When I looked at the screen and seen that it was the ringleader I rolled my eyes but nonetheless answered. I could never have a simple day to myself, without her or her brother blowing my phone up.

"Why haven't you been answering any of my calls," the ringleader yelled into the phone. I took the phone from my ear and hung up. Under no circumstances was I going to let this psychotic bitch or her brother stress me out. She and I had made an agreement, that whenever I felt like she was stressing me out hang up or leave. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, as soon as I made it to my car my phone rung again.

"Yes," I said into the phone. I could hear the ringleader counting backwards and taking long deep breaths.

"I'm just going to forget the fact that you hung up in my face. What are you doing and why would you cut my brother off like that," she asked. I sighed before starting the engine on my car up. I should've known her ass wasn't calling to discuss important shit.

"Typical fuck boy, always gotta call the females in they family to see about the next bitch. First and foremost I didn't cut his ass off, I just told him stop calling me because he was putting too much stress on me. Secondly I needed to fall back from him so we can accomplish this stupid ass plan. You want to get back at, them don't you," I asked.

"You know I do."

"Alright then let me do me, like I'm letting you do you," I demanded. She mumbled something but I wasn't able to understand what she said. "Yea all'at look I'm kinda on my way somewhere so I'll have to call you later."

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