Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Damn I didn't know Mónéy could get down like that. Just look at the way her body move yo, I could tell why Icy be tripping so hard on her," Kree said as he watched the video of Mónéy popping her ass in the club. I paced the floor of my suite, unable to sit down and watch some shit like this. Peanut has sent Kree a video not knowing who the females were, but once Kree saw their face he knew that the chick in the white was Mónéy.

"Tee working wit' a lil some'um too. When we get back to the states I'm definitely going wit' the move on one of 'em. Aye Ice ain't shawty in the red dress yo lil sis. Her ass looking good too, no disrespect," Tech said. I tuned him out as I redialed Mónéy's number again. I had called her and Danaë's phone fifteen times and they haven't answered yet.

"Pick up the fucking phone Danaë!" Just then Chanel walked in with her phone in her hand dying laughing. Peanut ugly ass probably sent the video to her too. Everybody was taking this shit as one big joke, while I was sitting up here worried. Who the fuck told them to go to the club anyways? Why is Yoshi letting this shit happened? And most importantly how the fuck did Mónéy's underage ass get in the club?

"Damn yo sister and her friend look good as fuck on the dance floor," Chanel said. I walked over to her and snatched her phone out her hand. I looked closely at the video to and to make sure it was Danaë. Low and behold it was Danaë and Asia dancing with some bartender niggas. My blood started boiling and before I knew it Chanel's phone was being thrown across the room and falling into a million pieces on the floor.

"Icy what the fuck, nigga that's my phone," Chanel yelled before smacking the fuck out of me. I ignored her and made my way into my bedroom. I was livid and seeing red, I couldn't be around them motherfuckers no more unless they wanted me to shoot one of they asses up. I laid in the bed and watched some TV until I calm my nerves down. Danaë and Mónéy was going to get fucked up when I make it back to New Orleans and that's a promise.


"Icy, I know yo ass ain't in hea' sleep," a voice called out. I opened my eyes and wipe the drool from my mouth. I hadn't even realized that I had fell asleep. I sat up in the bed and saw Chanel's crazy ass sitting at the edge of my bed. My nerves started to get bad, I did just break this hoe phone what if she came to kill my ass. Is it really that serious, over a phone.

"Yo, what you doin' in hea'. Watching me sleep and shit, you acting like that lady off Fatal Attraction." She chuckled and shook her head. Shawty was to calm for my liking, so I got up from the bed and turned the lamp on. Once I turned the lamp on I saw what Chanel was wearing, and I must say I was real pleased. She had on an all white all into one crotchless camisole. I licked my lips at her as she emerged from the bed.

"Even though you broke my fucking phone, I'm horny as fuck and we decided that it you should be the one to get the hotel luxury treat." I furrowed my eyebrows at her. This bitch was tripping hard. First she come in here waking me up, then she wearing lingerie and now she up here talking about "we".

"What is you talm' bout. Chanel why you tripping and who is we? Man my bad on yo phone, I'll buy you another when we get back home, but right now you tripping hard. Take yo horny ass to bed or some'um." She laughed out loud and plopped down on the bed. I can't even lie, Chanel was looking to good to pass on her offer. I shook my head and for once in my life I thought with the head that's between my shoulders an not with the one between my legs. Besides Chanel was the homie, and as much as I wanted too I couldn't smash the homie. I know we use to fuck but after the last time we swore to one another that we wasn't gon do it no more.

"Yes we, Icy and ain't nobody tripping. I miss you, I miss us, I miss what we had. Don't you m-miss me Icy?" She questioned as he sat up in her elbows. I squinted at her before realizing she was drunk. I guess that explained her behavior. Chanel never would express her feelings to me like this. Every since we broke up we vowed to never get back into a serious relationship. Now here she is drunk, pouring her feelings out to me. I guess a drunk man really does speak a sober mind.

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