Chapter Fifty-Three

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I watched disgusted as Peanut and Macie play tongue rope, right in front of the whole V.I.P. section. I seemed to be the only one bothered by it, because everybody else were minding their business. I drunk the rest of my ice tea and scanned the club for one of my friends. I was aggravated and needed to vent to somebody, but everybody was doing their own thing tonight. Tiana was sitting in the corner in her feelings about that skinny ass nigga from Philly, Yaki was too busy drooling over everything Kree did or said, and Mónéy had magically disappeared. I rolled my eyes at Peanut and walked over to Yaki.

"Ya-Ya," I whispered. She rolled her eyes and looked at me.

"What," she snapped. I frowned at her and rolled my eyes. This little infatuation she had with Kree was starting to get annoying as hell. He wasn't the type to commit and he never would be, what part didn't she understand.

"Come to the bathroom with me real quick," I asked, pulling on her hand. She snatched away from me and shook her head.

"You're a big girl, you can go to the potty on your own. Besides Mónéy and Icy got the bathroom on lock, literally," she informed me. I shook my head and tried to knock the visual of Icy and Mónéy out my head.

"I don't even wanna know what they are doing in there," I said. I looked over my shoulder at Peanut and Macie. She was throwing her ass all in his face and he was rubbing on her booty.

"How come I can't have that much confidence," I mumbled. Yaki looked at me then at Macie before laughing.

"Confidence, bitch that ain't confidence. Honey that's low self-esteem," she joked. I rolled my eyes st her.

"Why does he have to like her? Why can't he like a girl like me," I whined. Yaki rolled her eyes and nudged me in the side.

"If you like him so much, then why are you with that rude ass motherfucker. I like Anthony way better than him. That nigga has some serious issues," she stated.

"First off Myles is not rude, secondly I'm not with Peanut because we aren't a good fit. Plus he doesn't like good girls like me. He rather fuck ran through, gold digging bitches like her. That bitch is the true definition of H.O.E. I don't like her snake ass and I can't wait 'til she gets dropped like every other thot he's been with," I said watching Macie move her body like the snake she were.

"And what might the definition be," she asked.

"H.O.E. Hop on every dick!"

"Lighten the fuck up," Yaki said before sliding me her drink. Everyone under the age of twenty one had bought their fake IDs but because of my asshole boyfriend's behavior, I had to rush out of my house without my ID. Y'all know the rules: No ID, no drinks. I was surprised when they let me in the club. I grabbed the glass of tequila and downed it. Yaki raised her eyebrows at me as I downed her other shot.

Nelly's Hot in Here boomed through the speakers and all the thots removed their clothes and ran to the dance floor. Macie stopped dancing on Peanut and looked at the dance floor full of thots. I already knew what she was thinking before she even said anything. I wasn't even mad though, birds of a feather flock together.

"Oooooohh that's my fucking song. Anthony c'mon I wanna dance," Macie yelled over the loud music. Peanut looked at her and smacked his lips.

"Nahh baby, I ain't the dancing type. Go 'head and enjoy ya self. I'll catch you on the next song," Peanut said. She rolled her eyes before going to the dance floor. I watched her as she pop, locked, and dropped it on some strange dude. Peanut wasn't able to see her because his back was facing the dance floor.

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