Chapter Twenty

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"This shit should've never happened," the ringleader's brother said as he slid out of bed naked. I sat up and pulled the covers up over my body. I wanted him to come back to bed but I knew he had an assignment to do. The ringleader kept him busy on purpose so he wouldn't be able to see me. She would put false shit in his head about me and he'd believe her.

"Why not, I mean you do still love me right?"

"Look, you tweaking right now. I got shit to do and you up hea' talm' 'bout do I love you. We should've never fucked because my sister ain't feeling this no mo, iight. You making her think something up and I'm trying fall back from you." The back of my eyes burned and a few tears threatened to fall but I quickly closed my eyes. I looked over and saw the ringleader's brother getting dress.

"Do yo really have to leave right now? I heard on the news today that a storm might be coming, maybe you should stay here. I don't see why you even involved in this situation. Everything yo sister say, you do. I'm getting real sick of it." He slipped his shoes on and spoke to me from over his shoulders.

"Bruh get off my dick man, you know I got to do this. I don't want my sister pissed off with me 'cause I didn't obey her orders. I don't need her ass tripping on me like you doin' now. What I need you to do is be cool. I can't handle both of y'all stressing me out." I turned on my side with an attitude as he stood to his feet. At this point I no longer cared if he stayed or left. "Look, I'm leaving I'll call you tonight."

Once I heard the door close I quickly ran to the window and watched him get into his car. My heart crumble into pieces as I watched his car pull out my apartment complex. This stupid ass Mónéy situation was affecting our relationship, I barely see him, and his dog ass sister doesn't make it any better. I couldn't wait til this shit was over. I wanted Mónéy dead so the ringleader could leave me and her brother alone.

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. If I wanted my man back, I needed to corporate and get with the ringleader's program. After bathing myself a few times I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around me. The stem from the shower begin to settle as I stepped out the bathroom and walked down the hall to my bedroom. I really didn't have any plans today, and the plans that I did had got cancel thanks to the ringleader and her stupid ass missions.

Letting the towel fall to the floor I made my way to my overnight bag that I had packed last night after our meeting. My attire today was simple since I was only going to the nail shop. I wore a gray sundress that stopped at my mid thigh with a pair of white flip flops. Wearing heels these day sorta irritated me. It's like my feet grew overnight or something.

Once I was dressed and comfortable I grabbed my jean jacket and car keys and hit the road. Before going to the nail shop I decided to grab a bite to eat. McDonald's and Burger King had been in an all time battle lately. It's the Big Mac vs. the Whopper, in my opinion both are great. I pulled in the drive thru and pushed the button on the monitor.

"Welcome to Raising Canes what would you like to order?"

"Can I have a medium love box please. Oh and and can y'all gimme an extra slice of bread," I said. The cashier rung up my food and gave me the total. I drove around where I gave them the money in exchange for my love box. The smell of the chicken tenders made my mouth water. After I got my food I pulled into a near by parking lot and got my grub on. I ate that shit in less than thirty minutes, but I still was hungry.

I put the empty box into a plastic bag then threw the bag out the window, before pulling off. While driving all I could think about was the ringleader's brother, I pulled my phone out and dialed his number. I wanted to let him know that he was on my mind. I wish we could be laid up right now but I knew his bitch ass sister would have a fit if she found out that we were cuddling and not handling the Mónéy situation. The ringleader needs some dick in her life so he wouldn't have to worry about mines so much.

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