'Now I Got The Devil Inside'

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I sat in the car while kol and I argued back and forth about going to a bar.

"Kol you've been alive for over 1,000 years, yet you lack so much common sense" I roll my eyes

"We can bring her in" he says

"She is two years old, I'm definitely sure she cannot go in the bar I don't even know if I can go in the bar" I say

"How old are you? I never asked by the way" he says

"I'm 17 my birthday is in about 4 days" tell him

"I can just compel them" kol says re opening the recent conversation

"Kol we need to get back to mystic falls I have school and work to get done" I say

I sat quietly as kol pulled over on the side of the road. He dug his hand in my pocket pulling out my phone and unlocking it quickly.

"How do you know my password?" I ask

"Don't worry about that" he says

I watched as he called my mother.

"What are you doing?" I asked in suspicion

"I am going to compel you mother not to worry about you because it's gonna take up awhile to get back" he says

After a few hours of driving we stopped at a near by store because Lydia and me were hungry. While in the store I felt a slight presence. Sometimes I would look behind me but saw no one. I quickly grabbed my stuff but felt someone grab my shoulder turning me around.

"Come with me and don't scream" he says trying to compel me

I quickly slam my head in his and run out of the door without paying. I quickly opened the car door.

"Drive hurry!" I say

I tried to control my breath as kol drove out of the parking lot. That's when I started to choke on my breath and the now small pain became more intense.

"Ava, Ava! Are you okay" kol said

Which was the last thing I heard before my eyes shut.

*A/N* short late update which I'm really sorry about but it's hard to update because school is coming up and it's all a big mess. I'm sorting out my high schools because I'm almost done with middle school 🙏🏾 and yeah it's one big mess but thank you to everyone reading this~ Paige <3

Ava ☾ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now