'This Wall Is Primal, My Grinding Jaw'

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I walked into Elena's house with blood slowly pouring out of my neck.

"You're Elena right t-the one that has that the thing with the Salvatore brothers" I panted as my breath quickened

"I'm gonna call someone who can help" she says

"Y-y-you" I say before I fell to the floor passing out

I woke up in am unfamiliar room with no more pain in my neck like before. I looked to my side to see Elena sitting on a couch looking at me in confusion.

"How do you know me so well?" She asked

"Sorry... I didn't mean to be a creep before, but I guess when your quiet you hear more" I say sitting up

"Finally she's up" Damon says speeding in front of me

"Damon I'm guessing" I smile

"What's your name?" He asks clear suspicion in his voice

"Ava, and I appreciate the healing and everything but I need to get back to a special little girl" I say

I pulled out my phone immediately calling Kol. I listened to the rings as I waited impatiently for him to pick up.

"Darling I love you but I will kill you if this isn't important" kol said picking up the phone

"Come pick me up" I say simply

"Walk" he said bluntly

"I'm at the Salvatore boarding house and I don't know my way back from here" I said

"Like I said walk" he says annoyance clear in his voice

"Kol.... please" I begged

"Whoa, wait did you just say Kol as in Kol Mikaelson" Damon interrupts

"A Salvatore is present, put me on speaker put me on speaker love" Kol says

Though I couldn't see him I already knew he was smirking. The room fell dead silent as Kol's voice rang through the house

"Long time no see Damon"

*A/N* not my best but I just wanted to give you guys something because I know I haven't had a real update in a bit but yeah I will try to get another one out so I have something to hold you guys through the next week thx for reading ~Paige <3

Ava ☾ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now