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Nayeli and our partners stuck together as we share Joy. She makes every bad situation into a good one, which is why I love her so much. I can't see how such a happy person can turn on someone. It doesn't make much sense, but nothing makes sense with these clones... Nothing logical at least.
We picked the party room to hang out in, because it seems just like Joy's style. And we were right when we entered, for she ran around the entire room... 4 times.

She has so much energy in her, that she did cartwheels across the dance floor... Including back hand springs on the tables. She's so hilariously energetic.
"Wow. I wish I could do those things... I think," Diamond questions and I nod in agreement.

"How does she have that much energy?" Nayeli asks, watching happily as Joy screams into a microphone, basting our ear drums.

"Well duh, it's her nature. She's Joy, so she's going to act like it. She could be doing this forever... Without stopping," Scarlet replies with a shiver.

That makes me daydream about Joy cartwheeling in place on a rainbow with a ridiculous expression on face.

"Wow. I would die!" I state happily and they all roll their eyes.

Scarlet begins to walk up to Joy and we all soon follow after her.
Scarlet freezes her feet; which Joy doesn't seem to like.

"Hey!" She yells, managing to keep the smile on her face as she tries to get loose.

"You need to calm down," I say.

"I'm Joy! I don't know how to calm down!"

"We at least want to you to hang out with us," Nayeli pleads and I see Joy relax a little.

"Well.... Ok! But can you let me go first?"

"Yes, but only if you promise not to go crazy on us," Scarlet replies sternly.

Joy nods and I will my eyes to change color.

My arms grow long, and I swing them to the ice. I whack it once, before it gives out and breaks into pieces. I ignore the stinging pain in my knuckles as I reel them back in.

Joy jumps onto a chair, rubbing her ankles.
"Any longer, and you would have given me frost bite!" She states, giggling.

"I still don't see how she could turn on us," Diamond thinks to me. I shrug in her direction, and we all take our seats.

"Well, you wanted to talk so let's talk!" Joy says, jumping in her seat.

Scarlet clears her throat. "So how does it feel to be human?"

"I don't know... I feel like I have more control over myself. You know... I get to do what I want."

"What do you mean by that?" Diamond asks her, leaning on her elbows.

"Well... In a human body, your master gets to decide what happens. Whether it was to be sad, happy, or angry... So as you can see, I didn't get out very often."

"So you... Wait, I'm confused," I mumble, gripping my head. Joy smiles again.

"It's very confusing. Everything about clones is confusing. Everything just... Changes."

She hops off the chair. "Well that was fun, but I'm about to go mad so... See you later?" She asks us and all the hair on my arms stand on end.

"Wait! What do you mean?" Nayeli asks nervously.

"Well my master isn't here to tell me what to do, so now I guess I can turn on you now... That's what you were afraid of right? I would run if I were you." She giggles again evilly.

"Turn?" Diamond whispers, fright clouding her face.

"But you can't! You're Joy, you love everybody!" I protest and Joy shrugs.

"That doesn't mean I can't turn on you. That means I do it happily. I have the taste of freedom; you really shouldn't have asked me those questions."

Scarlet face palms after slight hesitation.
We all bounce off our chairs, keeping a safe distance between us and Joy.

"Wait! Don't go yet! Let's have some more fun!" Joy says happily, grabbing a chair. Uh oh. This is not what I had planned.

"Time to run?" Nayeli asks, her knees visibly shaking.

"Not yet," Scarlet replies her eyes never leaving Joy.

"How about changing my pants?" Diamond questions, obviously joking.

"Just wait."

Joy starts walking towards us, beginning spin the chair with one hand.

"Holy mother of chairs she's strong!" I yell, my voice shaking wildly as I wish for Edan to be on my side. Where is she anyway? Is she even ok? Should I check on her – what am I doing?! I can't just leave my friends here to potentially die in the hands of one overly happy clone.

"We can't kill her, so we can't use our powers... Can we?" Diamond asks, backing up.

"So we distract her. Make her slow down," Scarlet commands as Joy keeps getting closer and closer. To my luck, the chair only spins faster and faster. How dangerous can these emotions get?
We keep backing up, getting closer to the elevator.

"How do we distract her!?" I ask franticly.

"Like this!" Scarlet yells, putting her hands out.


The shards sprout from her hands, piling up in front of Joy. She makes the ice go all the way from one end to the next, and all the way to the ceiling.

Before we know it, a barrier is blocking Joy from getting any closer. I can hear her smashing the chair against the ice as many times as she can.

"Come on! Before the ice breaks!"
With that, we book it to the elevator.

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