My New Husband

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Please forgive me if I get this wrong! I actually have no idea how gay marriages work!

Rin POV:

(4 Months later)

Today is the day my dreams come true. Today is the day I bind myself to my beloved. Today is the day I marry Haru.

We spent the past few months planning the wedding with Gou. She would not shut up about yaoi and how she wished this hapened in a manga she's reading. (I'll leave the manga up to your imagination.)

I once walked in on her reading an erotic yaoi manga. Let's just say I've never forgotten the uke's face.

Come to think of it, Haru made a face like that the first time. Huh. Weird. I wonder if that always happens...

"Onii-Chaaaaan!!! Snap out of it! We've only got 20 minutes left!!!"

I laughed. "Okay, okay! I get it. I'm back to reality now. Sorry." Gou purposely put on a face of pure irritation, and pinned a rose on my black, shiny, brand-new tuxedo. She was acting as a 'bridesmaid', or in this case 'groomsmaid', for Haru. She's wearing a blue dress with her scarlet hair tied up in a fancy braided crown. It looks really good on her. I'm proud of my little sister.

The door popped open and gray hair showed in the opening. "Is everyone ready?" Nitori is my best man. He's been really supportive of me and Haru over the past 5 months. At first I felt bad for him, but now he's dating a kid named Momo. He's actually the little brother of my previous swim captain. They seem to really like eachother. I hope for the best with those two.

"Nitori-Kun! Your tie is undone! Fix it!" Gou scares the shit out of him. I think she does it on purpose, and it's quite entertaining to watch.

Nitori fixed his tie, and we all got into place. A few minutes later the music starts playing and Gou walks down the isle. She looks so happy, but the next thing I see is the most beautiful of all.

Haru is walking towards me wearing an all white tux with a red rose pinned to his pocket. Our eyes lock, and I feel my pulse quicken. By this point in our relationship, things should have quieted down. Nope. I swear I've been having more trouble controlling myself. I just love him so much!

Haru finally gets to me, and I take his hand. We stand before the minister and the ceremony begins.

I'm not really hearing anything that the minister is saying. I'm too caught up with Haru. We exchange vows and rings, then hold hands. I was content to just look at my sexy dolphin in his outfit (which was clearly meant to humor me)...Until I hear my name.

"Do you, Rin Matsuoka, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health 'till death do you part?"

I smiled. "I do."

"And do you, Haruka Nanase, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health 'till death do you part?"

Haru started tearing up. He looked up at me and said with a shaky voice, "I do."

"Then it is my great honor to pronounce you two married. You may kiss."

I swept Haru around until he was holding my neck and being draped over my knee while we kissed. The room was full of cat-calls and cheers, but I didn't hear any of it. It felt like I was in a seperate world with my Haru. My lover. My new husband.

We eventually had to stop kissing, and we walked out of the room and to the reception area.

The party lasted 3 hours. Haru and I danced together for almost the whole night. We didn't care who tried to talk to us. We were in our own little world.

When we finally got home, the real fun began...

Hahahahahahaha!!!! You'll just have to wait until next time to read the smut!!! That'll be the last chapter guys!!! We made it!!!

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