The Warmatch

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Ever wanted to know what my very first Warmatch Interplanetale was like?

I knew you did! *insert eyebrow wiggle of pure awesomeness*

Anyway, I hope all of you inferior humans enjoy this!

-Queen Sara.


The little princess scurried along behind her parents and older sister, craning her neck in an attempt to see over the heads of the slew of much older and taller people in front of her. However, her attempts were in vain. Even when she was seated in her decorated chair beside her father's throne, she could not discern any of the events below. 

"I can't see!" Saralee complained. Two Ice Guards instantly brought a couple of large cushions to the small child, which she gratefully sat on. When she finally had a clear view of the arena below her, she could barely contain the rush of excitement that came over her. 

"Selaeyah, look!" She pointed to the floor of the Kilaenaian Warmatch Arena, on which the contestants and announcers were beginning to assemble, and tapped her friend on the shoulder. 

"I know," the six-year-old daughter of the Scientist Chief smiled, crossing her silk-clad legs. "I told you this would be awesome." 

"So many Reenees down there," the princess bit her lip. "They're gonna be dead Reenees soon. I'm scared. I want to leave!" 

"Saraleeee!" Selaeyah whined. "You gotta stay! I thought you loved warmatches!" 

"I do," Saralee sighed. "But this one is big and scary. And I'm only five." 

"Your brother and my sister are here!" Selaeyah argued. "They're two!" 

"Okay, fine," Saralee nodded. "I'll stay, for now. Just because I love warmatches and you're my best friend forever. Look, more Reenees!" She gestured to the rest of the contestants as they descended the steps to the arena, standing up and reaching out. 

"Don't touch it!" Selaeyah squealed, pushing Saralee back into her seat. "Reenees are icky. Daddy says they have diseases.

"That's right, Selaeyah," Chief Valior confirmed. "We wouldn't want you girls getting sick on vacation, would we?" 

" starts in a week!" Saralee groaned. "I have to take the IAYN entrance exam tomorrow. I don't wanna be the first Arystenn to not make it! Even Keilee made it, and she has a butt for a brain!" 

"Of course you'll make it!" Selaeyah scoffed. "I got a ninety nine on the test. It was easy breezy." 

"A ninety nine?" Saralee raised an eyebrow. "Well, then, I'm going to get a perfect score!" 

"You can't!" 

"Why not?" 

"No one gets a perfect score!" 

"But I can!" 


"I'm smart!" 

"Prove it!" 

"You know it!" 

"Girls, girls, calm down," Queen Jessalyn laughed. "Sara, I'm sure you'll get into the IAYN. And, if not, I know that your father will do something about it." 

The young princess nodded, contented for the moment. 

"Whoa! What's that?" Selaeyah pointed to a gigantic, white object that hovered just above the center of the arena floor. It looked like a building mounted on top of a large hovercraft. 

"A piece of a floating resort, Miss Valior," answered a nearby Ice Guard. "It was brought here as part of the Picking festivities." 

"I like it," Selaeyah remarked. "I want one." 

" entire resort, Miss Valior?" The Ice Guard gave her a baffled look. 

"Yes, an entire resort! What did you think I wanted, a cross section? How much do they cost." 

"Well, anywhere between ten and fifty million duvats, depending on what amenities you would like inside the resort."

"Thank you. Daddy, can I have fifty million duvats!?" Selaeyah yelled over her shoulder. 

"Of course, dear," Chief Valior replied plainly. 

"Yay!" Selaeyah grinned. "Saralee, you're invited to my floating resort as soon as I get it! We could have a party with Armetorius, Derwel, and all the others!" 

"Yes!" Saralee grinned, before turning her attention back to the warmatch. She saw that the Picking was about to commence, and instantly ran to her father's side. She intended to be a part of the selection process. 

"...and, as usual, King Khariel gets first Pick!" 

"Who are you going to pick?" Saralee looked up at her father curiously. 

"I'd say that guy over there," he pointed to a burly Rhenan boy at the right end of the field. "He has very promising statistics." 

"Nooo, her!" Saralee gestured to a girl in the center. 

"This is only her second Interplanetale," the King frowned. 

"Still," Saralee tugged on his sleeve. "Pick her or we'll lose!" 

"You're five, Sara," he snapped. "What do you know of the art of Picking!?" 

"It's not just their statistics that matter. It's their attitude," Saralee argued. "You need to look at more than just their experience. You need to look at who they really are. Were they forced into this, or are they a real fighter? Are they desperate enough to live to do absolutely anything for their team?" 

"Wow, that is...a remarkable thought," Khariel's eyebrows shot up with surprise and realization. Sometimes, the maturity and shrewdness of his daughter surprised even him. "Very well, I'll choose her." 

"Yeah, and you should read their bios, not just all the data on them. That way, you can pick better!" Saralee beamed. 

"And you say you can't make the IAYN." Selaeyah shook her head. "You're the smartest five-year-old in the Empire!" 

"Yes, I am!" Saralee declared proudly. 

Both girls grew quiet as their parents and the other nobles stepped forward to make their Picks. Soon, the fate of the Rhenan contestants was decided. 

Six would live. 

Fifty four would die. 

This was the best thing Saralee had ever experienced. 

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