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This is the story of the First Lady of the Human Union, Ivialga Liermann. Enjoy, my humans, Lessaenites, and other creatures!


It was the year 2954...election year in the Human Union, as well as numerous other things. New Washington was as it always had been. The capital of New America never could've anticipated what was about to happen within it.

Lena Rachel Avo turned away from her laptop, pausing to close her eyes and rub her temples. The Second Galactic War was one of the most intense armed conflicts in recent Earthen history, and it certainly wasn't going easy on the Governor of New America's workload.

"Governor Avo?" An office bot droned, rapping on the door to her private study exactly three times, in rapid succession. "Your appointment with Senator Liermann commences in three minutes."

Lena groaned, ramming her fist into her desk. She wasn't in the mood to see anyone.

Let alone Drake Liermann.

However, she was the Governor, and certain allowances had to be made. She sat up taller and straightened the papers at the corner of her desk as the robot opened the door, revealing the familiar, defined features of New America's favorite Senator.

"Good afternoon, Governor Avo." He greeted her with such a close imitation of warmth in his voice, that Lena nearly thought it was genuine.

"Good afternoon to you, too, Senator Liermann."

She kept a close, distrustful eye on the Presidential candidate as he took his seat. Something about him didn't add up.

A young, wealthy politician, Lena Avo was beautiful in a professional sort of way. She was accustomed to being stared at by men, but none of them looked at her quite like Liermann did.

He looked like he wanted to shred her soul, and had the means to do it.

"What brings you here today, Drake?"

"You're dominating me in the polls," Liermann stated simply.

"Yes, I am aware."

"I've worked incredibly hard to get to the general election, Lena."

"As have I."

"But...you're a woman," Liermann complained, obviously saying the first thing that came to his mind.

"And a feminist. Watch your mouth."

"Not with these, I don't have to," Liermann grinned victoriously, producing a disk from his pocket. "Proof of every crime you've ever committed."

"I've never committed a crime," Lena stated with surety. "Unlike you."

"These tapes beg to differ," Liermann said slyly. "Here. Have a look."

He handed the disk to Lena, who inserted it into her laptop. Her eyes went wide as she browsed through the files it contained. There were at least a hundred of them, both audio and video, all from the previous five years.

"This is edited!" She gasped. "It's fake!"

"Unfortunately, you and I are the only ones who know that," Liermann chuckled.

"Both the security camera and the microphone in this room have been disabled," he added when he saw Lena's eyes go to the black chip in the ceiling.

"You're not going to make it out of this building with those," the Governor said.

"I'm afraid I am. One click, and these files go to every news company in the Human Union. So, if I was you, I wouldn't try anything. I've got you in a box, Lena."

"How do I get out of it?"

"Oh, you're going to be doing a few things for me," Liermann laughed, crossing his arms. "You'll start with dropping out of the Presidential race. Tomorrow, Lena Avo will die. You will change your name to Ivialga Liermann, and will be my wife."

"What did you do to poor Ivialga, you animal!?" Lena spat.

"She has been taken care of," Liermann grinned cruelly. "Now, come, Ivialga. You mustn't be late for my inauguration."


The Human Union isn't so good anymore, is it? Perhaps that changed your opinion on it...

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