This is the story of Queen Saralee's mother before she was Queen Saralee's mother. This is the story of a young Lessaenite operative with an obsession...
Jessa LeDexe: Secret Agent.
Ships sailed: Kharilyn
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*Jessalyn Ann LeDexe*
The year is 2016. The month is November. It's almost election night, but that's besides the point. What we really want to pay attention to today is a skinny seventeen year old girl who is currently getting off a plane in Houston, Texas. She wears a blue knit cap over her midnight black hair, a blue hoodie with nondescript silver print, and tight black jeans.
However, Jessalyn Ann LeDexe, Imperial operative and famed secret agent, does nothing without purpose. The sleeves of her hoodie are just long enough to conceal the tiny Aurascreen attached to her wrist, recording everything around her.
She turns in a slow circle, admiring the long, open hall filled with little stores and chairs that she has been told is called an airport. Similar to a Lessaenite spaceport, but without the ability to leave the planet.
The inhabitants of Earth are everywhere, going about their everyday business. None of them gives Jessa a second glance.
She can't believe it.
She is surrounded by aliens.
She is in uncharted territory.
She is on a new planet...teeming with new life.
King Vilariel could have chosen any of thousands of agents for this mission, yet he chose her. Of course, despite the fact that she greatly appreciated the opportunity, she hadn't paid any attention to the King as he gave her the details of her mission. She had been too busy staring at his son and trying not to drool.
Prince Khariel.
A smile crosses her lips as she remembers the time she got to see the most perfect male being in existence with her own eyes.
He might've even smiled at her, a little.
Or maybe that had just been her crazy imagination acting up.
She dismisses all thoughts of Khariel from her mind- although that is not an easy task for a fangirl of her caliber- and focuses on her mission. She must explore as much of the new planet as possible. She must give the King the information he needs to make any detailed decisions regarding Earth.
However, her Aurascreen once again draws her into her fantasy world.