Part 20

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it was now curtain call and it wouldn't be long that Billie would be onstage playing st jimmy, as soon as the song hit and he came out on stage the audience cheered like hell, and everyone was loving it the show was going really well and I could see in the audience although I shouldn't be looking at all the girls cheering at Billie as he preformed homecoming and he took his shirt off. I wasn't jealous at all because I cuddle up to that chest every night at Billies place, since I never stayed at mine at all even when the guys where on tour I was still over a Billies.

After the show I was in my dressing room getting changed when there was a knock on the door I opened to find the boys who  came back and all congratulated us on a good job. Everyone departed leaving me and Billie and the boys "wow baby you were amazing like last time" Billie said kissing my cheek

"Thanks" I smiled

"It was epic" tré said

And I went and hugged him and Mike

" I think Billie was the epic one out there but where are Jakob and Joey?" I asked

"Oh they went home, they loved the show, they will be over at the weekend so you can officially meet them" Billie told me

"Oh ok, I better get my stuff" I said heading off to grab my bags. I made it back to Billie who drove us back to his place.

That night I was laying in bed my head resting on Billies chest "are you ok baby?" He asked me

"just thinking" I told him

"about what?" He said sitting up in bed

I sighed and sat up " just wondering if Joey and Jacob will like me or not and what they will think of me dating their dad, I bet they think im just a gold digger" I said looking down at my hands in my lap

Billie grabbed my chin and made me look at him "Lex they will love you and they wont think like that trust me I raised them" he assured me kissing my lips "come on get some rest your going to need it" he said opening his arms so I could once again lay on his chest.

It was the weekend and in less than an hour Billies sons would be here to meet me. I was running around the house trying to make myself and the house tidy "Lex calm down will you you look beautiful just the way you are" Billie told me, I however wasn't sure that my usual t-shirt and jeans combo was way to casual.

But Billie grabbed me and basically force me to sit and wait for them to arrive

Moments later the door went and both Billie and I went and opened the door. Standing there were two boys one taller than the other and behind them Adrienne Billies ex wife. She didn't look to happy but Billie greeted the boys and introduced me to then as Adrienne left us and I shut the door. Billie caught up with what the boys had been up to while I sat and listened

"dad can we have a jam session?" Joey asked

"sure, you should have riley play the drums she is amazing"

"billy stop" I said playfully slapping him on the chest

"oh come of it even tre was amazed by you skills"

"this I gotta see" Jacob said

"ok, ill show you but I will tell you know I not that good"

We headed into the music room and I took to the drums "ok what shall I play?"

"lets do platypus" Billie said grabbing his guitar

" ok"

So we started and about four bars into the song both the boys faces dropped in shock " told you she was good boys"

After the song I left them to it and went and made dinner for us

" what's cooking good looking" Billie said as he wrapped his arms around me

"tofu enchiladas" I told him

"mmm" he said and kissed my neck

"why don't you to get a room" someone said we both looked and saw tre making him self comfy on one of the stools of the breakfast counter

"I swear to god tre so that again and ill beat you to death with your own drum sticks" I told him

He just smiled "hope you made alot"Billie whispered into my ear

I just smiled as Billie grabbed the cutlery and laid the table"uncle tre" Jacob screamed and ran into a hug

"hey buddy"

"are you staying for dinner?" Joey asked

"yep" tre said heading to the fridge to grab a soda "where's uncle mike?"

"someone say my name?" Mike said walking into the kitchen "mmm Lex it smells good, but don't tell britney that"

" your in trouble when I tell her" I replied and everyone laughed

The boys were talking about what they had been up to and Billies tour "we loved the show" Jacob said

"Thanks" I replied

"Boys why don't you go and put your things away while we get dinner ready" Billie said

The boys ran off and I went to make dinner for them "so I was going to head to the studio tomorrow to practice with the boys, will you be ok with Joey and Jacob?" Billie asked

"Sure" I said biting my lip and getting things out for dinner.

After dinner the boys went and had a jam session while I grabbed a book and sat on the sofa

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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