Chapter 8

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I woke up when everyone started screaming upstairs. they all had woken up and left me in the basement. I do admit though,that last night was one of the best nights I've ever had. I stretched and started walking upstairs. I looked and saw everyone holding a blanket, and Kourtney was in the middle. They were rocking it back and forth, causing her to laugh hysterically. I smiled, knowing she was happy right now. She wasn't moping around, being depressed even after what's happened.

"Kaylee! Come on!" she said. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. I opened the cabinet, since everything in the fridge had probably already expired. I saw a few boxes of cereal. I chose Corn Flakes, since I used to eat them before. I grabbed a bowl, and a spoon. I took a spoonful, and it tasted so weird without milk. I decided to eat it anyways, it would have to do. You can't be picky in a zombie apocalypse. I started to walk back out into the living room where Kourtney was,when someone scared the living hell out of me. I jumped and my cereal went all over the floor. I already knew who it was.

"Brandon!" I said. I heard him laugh.

"I'll help you pick it up." he replied.

"After that, yeah." I said. I got on my hands and knees and started to pick the cereal back up into the bowl. Brandon was doing the same. A few times.our hands went for the same one, and we would both pull our hands away,and argue who gets to pick it up. it usually ended with Brandon eating the cereal.

After we were done, he hugged me.

"Sorry about that." he said. I just laughed it off.

"It's okay. it's you Brandon." I smiled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"You can be annoying..." I held back the laugh that wanted to escape, due to the reaction on his face.

"Annoying? You're always being bossy, telling everyone what to do!" He replied. I guess he took me seriously.

"I'm joking! Chill!" I replied. he hit me in the arm and I hit him back. it turned into a big fight, us both hitting eachother, laughing. What I didn't know was that Lauren, Gillian, Autumn, and Kourtney were watching. Kourtney jumped up and started fighting with us. I grabbed her by the waist and tipped her upside down.

"Don't interrupt next time!" I said. I set her down and she walked away, along with everyone else.

"You didn't have to be that mean to your own sister." I heard Brandon mumble.

"Look. I hate her thinking shes 5, okay? She's 10! She needs to be more mature!" I half screamed, half told him. I walked away, down to the basement. I sat in the corner I slept in, burying my face in my hands. I felt a tear slip out. I hadn't cried before, but now I felt the world on my shoulders. They all hated me for yelling at Kourtney. And Kourtney would be scared of me. Why did I do that? Why did I, of all people, choose to be leader? I was the worst leader there could be. I was probably next to Hitler in how bad I was. I sat there for 10 minutes, just thinking about everything.

My family was gone. My house was gone. Many of my friends were gone. Things would never, could never be the same as before. I would never go to school and be able to learn about how pilgrims crossed the ocean, or how Christopher Columbus was actually an evil man with a plan to kill the Indians or use them as slaves. My teacher's lectures now seemed interesting. I wish I still didn't owe that kid that sat next to me in science five dollars. At home, though, we were going to have steak and fries for dinner. After that, I would FaceTime Brandon, and we would play Minecraft together. What about my glasses? And my contacts? I was wearing my contacts right now, but where were my glasses? And how would I take my contacts out without running water?

Those were the things running through my mind while I sat in the corner of the basement. After a while, I heard someone coming downstairs. I thought it was Brandon, so I sat up straight, as if I didn't just cry. I looked up and saw Gillian standing by me.

"Kaylee?" she asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"We found Bella." Her words were amazing, yet terrible. Amazing that they found her, terrible that we now have another mouth to feed. another person to tend for. I acted happy, and started heading upstairs.

I saw Bella on the couch, getting her arm stitched up, or trying to be stitched up. It looked like a bullet wound. She looked up at me, and it looked like she was crying. I quickly went over to her to try and comfort her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Derick and I tried to get away, a-and someone in the school shot him and I. He didn't m-make it." she looked back down. How did she make it here by foot? I hugged her, and Mitch finished wrapping her arm. So many injuries, so little time to heal. Especially the emotional scars. I don't think those will ever heal.

Someone special told me to update, so here it is!! :)

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