Chapter 3

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"Are we almost there?" Lauren complained. I looked behind me to see her slowly walking towards us.

"Would you like to walk there yourself? Or have us leave you behind, Lauren? Because I'm pretty sure you don't want to get eaten." I said. I didn't hear her say anything after that.

"We're here." I said. My house looked un-recognizable. The door was kicked in, the porch a complete mess. Windows busted on every side. My parents wouldn't do this. Only people who were desperate. Of course, we had a whole supply of food in our house, it only made sense to raid it.

I walked inside, carefully. I walked over to where the food supply was. It was now just a mess of scattered food and crushed boxes. No food remained from this raid, and the kitchen probably wasn't much better, either. Luckily my parents kept the keys where almost no one would look- the cellar.

I slowly opened the door and looked up on the shelves. The keys were right there. All I had to do was reach-

"Aah!" I heard someone scream. My heart jumped, I turned around and saw Lauren coming behind me to scare me.

"Wow, give me a heart attack, why don't you?" I said. I was honestly getting sick of Lauren, but she was still my friend. I couldn't just leave her behind.

I reached up and grabbed the keys and walked out. I took a last look at our demolished house before walking away. It would probably be the last time I see it.

"Got the keys, lets get out of here." I said. I walked towards the garage, which surprisingly wasn't that damaged. I opened the garage door and the caravan was sitting there, a few dents here and there, but I could drive it. I think.

"Lets get in, ladies and Brandon. We don't have all day to get to where we need to go." I heard Gillian say.

"Where are we going?" Kourtney asked.

"Out of town. The forest, up ahead. It's maybe 10 miles away. It will get us out of here." I replied, unlocking the van. I got in the front seat, which felt very weird to me, considering I was only 13.

"Will we ever see mom or dad again?" I heard Kourtney ask. She sounded very sad. I couldn't lie to her, but it felt terrible to tell her the truth. So I said what most people would say- "I don't know, Kourt."

I put the keys into the engine. Gillian sat next to me in the next seat. Brandon, Lauren, Autumn, and Kourtney sat in the back. Thank god we had a van. I pulled out of the driveway, very cautiously. If I crashed this thing, we would all be dead. And it would be my fault. I drove down the road, going around 25 miles an hour. Everyone seemed very tense, I wouldn't blame them. But if anyone else was driving, I was pretty sure we would all be dead by now.

"Kaylee?" I heard Kourtney ask.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"How come your being so bossy? You were really nice before this happened." She said.

"This group needed a leader. No one else wanted to take that responsibility." I replied. I heard someone chuckle from behind me.

We kept driving in silence for a while. I was getting the hang of driving, but I still wasn't great. I looked down to see how much gas we had. Half a tank. I guess our luck was pretty good today. I looked at the time, though. It was 4:30. Science class started at one. 3 and a half hours of this. Wow, amazing, perfect.

"So when do you guys wanna stop?" I said. I heard a few whispers.

"When we can't go anymore." I heard Lauren say.

"Well that's a logica-" I started to say, but was cut off by a deer jumping in front of the van. I heard a few screams as I swerved to the side. I missed him, but now, instead of hitting the deer, I was rolling down a cliff. The physical pain wasn't nearly as bad as all the screams I heard in the back seat.

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