Chapter 11

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I was on my knees, it felt good to just try and relax. Ever since Gillian, all I could think about was death. I was trying to relax, and I could hear them talking. They must've thought I couldn't hear them. I could only hear pieces from their conversation, but enough to make me get back up.

"Mentally unstable... Broken... Needs to rest... She can't do it..."

Autumn, Bella, and Brandon walked out of the trees. Where was Kourtney?

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"We think someone new needs to take charge. You need to rest." Bella said.

"So you ALL would rather die, is that it? I have been a great leader, and if you can't see that, you're blind. I helped you all, and we are all still alive, all except for Gillian. You really want to take over? Take over my dead body."

And I pointed the gun to my head.

And pulled the trigger.

Brandon's POV-

"So you ALL would rather die, is that it? I have been a great leader, and if you can't see that, you're blind. I helped you all, and we are all still alive, all except for Gillian. You really want to take over? Take over my dead body."

She pointed the gun towards her head.

And tried to pull the trigger.

And I moved the gun so it hit me in the foot.

"Gaaaah!" I screamed out in pain. I fell to the ground, grabbing my foot. It was bleeding heavily. Kaylee looked down and realized what she did. Her eyes widened.

"Brandon! I didn't mean to, I wasn't..." She started to say. She got on her knees and ripped her shirt sleeve. She used that to wrap around my foot. It didn't feel any better, but it stopped the bleeding for a moment.

Kaylee and Autumn helped me get inside the cave, while Kourtney sat in the corner, shivering. Bella was outside taking watch.

"All my fault... All my fault..." Kaylee kept saying. She was traumatized. After the death of her best friend, the almost death of herself, she was definitely mentally unstable. No one could tell her though. She just needed to rest. That's it.

It sounded so easy.

Kaylee's POV-

"All my fault... All my fault..." I kept repeating it. Maybe if I said it enough times, I would get so annoying that the whole group would want to kill me. I didn't deserve to live through this, I've done enough terrible things in my lifetime.

Brandon's foot was getting better, he said it didn't hurt as much and it stopped bleeding. I stayed next to him the whole time. I still couldn't believe what he did for me. He could have died, yet he still knocked the gun out of my hand. Why? Why did he even care about me, or like me, or-

"You okay? Your face looks weird." Brandon said. I looked over at him and he was smiling.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"You don't stutter." He said.

"You don't ask stupid questions. Obviously I'm not okay in this apocalypse, I lost my parents and my best friend, I've gone crazy, I'm just not okay." I said.

"Something good did happen out of this though." He said.


"This." He lifted my face and kissed me. I kissed back.

"Ah-hem!" I looked up and Bella was standing there.

"As soon as you two love birds are done making out, there's a few people out in the front of the cave. Said they wanted to trade something."

"Let's go." I said to Brandon. I helped him get to the front of the cave so he could see what's going on.

I pushed past the rest of the group that was in the front. I saw the other group Bella was talking about. They looked like monsters- bloody heads, ripped t-shirts, mangled hair. Probably what we looked like when we met Mitch.

The leader of their group stepped forward.

"Hello. I, well, we would like to trade you some things for help."

"What type of things?"

"Guns." She replied.

"What help then?" I asked.

"We need medical help. All we want is to be medically treated, we'll give you the guns, and we'll walk away. You'll never see us again." She said. It sounded reasonable.

"Deal." I said.

"Thank you." She said. She smiled. I waved them inside the cave.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Kiana." She replied.

"Nice name."

"Thanks, I got it for my birthday."

We might not kick them out so soon.

I may not update as much sorry :( I have a lot of schoolwork along with basketball and drama club :/ sorry again, but I hope you enjoy the story!

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