Chapter 15

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I sat there, waiting a while before the young lady took a seat in front of me.

"How are you, dear?" She asked. I just shook my head.

"Let's get this over with." I replied. She took me into a dark room and had me sit on a cold, metal chair.

"What would you like to trade?" She asked.

"First, how does this work?" I asked.

"You give me something of value to you. I make something that would make all of your wishes come true. Most celebrities have come to me, and now look where they are." She responded.

"Do I know what will happen?" I asked her.

"Not for a while, dear." Before I handed over my pendant, I turned it over in my hand a few times.

"Take good care of this." I said. My pendant had come from a trip to Los Angeles with my parents and sister.

"I will." She said. I gave it to her and walked out of there, never to hear from her again.

*End of Flashback*

"Kaylee!" I finally snapped out of my flashback from a year ago. I've been too busy to realize that this apocalypse was my fault. It's my fault so many people had died, and it had been my wish to kill zombies. Real zombies, not animated ones that I couldn't kill with a real knife.

"This is my fault." I mummbled. I saw Autumn and Brandon run over to me.

"It's not your fault." Brandon said.

"Yes it is. You guys wouldn't believe me, you would think I'm going crazy, you'd just kill me and-"

"Tell us then." Autumn said. I took a shaky breath.

"A year ago I made a deal with a Dream Catcher. She-"

"A who?" Brandon asked.

"A Dream Catcher. She can catch one of your dreams and make them come true. The catch is, you have to give her something of value to you. This pendant," I paused, rolling the beautiful necklace between my fingers. "Was given to me by my parents when we went to Los Angeles for a vacation. I always wished for a zombie apocalypse; you know the 'I'm so cool because I could survive a zombie apocalypse' phase. Well, I guess that's what happened. So yes, it is my fault." I finished and it took a minute to register. They looked shocked.

"So if we killed you, would it all end?" Autumn asked.

"No. Not until we're all dead."

We finally got to sleep. Well, everyone except for me. I tried to remember all the little details. What would happen if I did die? Maybe it was best for everyone. If I died, maybe all of this would be over. I couldn't get the image of the Dream Catcher out of my head. She had dark, curly hair, and she was very... distant. Her clothes were like robes, and she had a very weird hat, more like a headdress on. It's funny that someone you could know for 5 minutes could affect your life so much.


"We're having bacon!" Autumn screamed. I lifted my head and found Autumn jumping around and Brandon and I just staring at her like she was crazy. We already knew she was.

"You're acting like we actually have it," I moaned. "Stop it. That's making me crave something good right now." I rolled back over and Autumn ran over to me and held something in front of my face.

"Look!" Autumn said. I opened my eyes and saw a package of... bacon!

"Autumn! Where did you-"

"It was in the bottom of the bag! I think Mitch gave it to us!" She exclaimed. The thought of bacon made my stomach rumble. I haven't had something like that in ages. It had almost been 2 months, but it felt like a lifetime.

"Let's get it cooking then!" I said. Today, we would feast on bacon. And I won't care who sees me eat 5 pieces of greasy goodness, I will eat.

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