Chapter 17

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I found Brandon in a closet in the next room over. I decided to sneak up on him. I slowly creeped up on him, close enough to jump on him and tackle him. I jumped and he screamed. I started laughing, and he looked at me.

"Was that necessary?" He asked. I nodded my head, and he laughed.

"Well you're in a good mood he said." I just nodded my head and smiled.

"I think Autumn just found someone she can be friends with." I said.


"I found a boy named Ryan in the basement, and I accidentally hit him with a gun..." I said.

"Doesn't sound so accidental to me."

"Oh, but it was."

"Oh, but it sounds like you purposely hit him." He said.

"Oh, but you have to admit that you're wrong for once."

"Oh, but I don't believe you." He said. I laughed and snuggled right next to him. He put his arm around me and I started sleeping- a nice, peaceful sleep.

Autumn's POV-

I was in the room that had all the supplies in it, but I couldn't find any medical supplies. I went back into the room Ryan was in and sat next to him.

"Is your head okay?" I asked.

"It's fine." He said. I poked him and he poked me back.

"Don't poke a unicorn!" I screamed. He laughed and poked me again. I gave him my "mad-like-a-derp" face and he poked me again.

"That's it!" I said, I tackled him and since he was weak from the blood loss from his head, I could easily pin him on the floor.

"Don't EVER poke a unicorn again!" I yelled. He laughed and I stood back up.

"So if you're a unicorn, what am I?" He asked. I thought about this for a moment.

"You're a pie. I like pie." I said.

"So you like me." He said.

"No, I said I like pie."

"You said I'm pie, and you like pie. Therefore, you like me."

"Damn, you're good."

"I know."

Brandon's POV-

Kaylee was snuggled up next to me, sleeping. Perfect time to do what I was going to do in the first place.

I tried getting up without waking her up. I finally got up and went back into the closet to find what I was looking for.

After a few minutes of searching, I found the radio. It looked brand new, so I just took it out. I found the CDs to go with it, also. She was going to love this.

"Kaylee," I said. She didn't respond. She must've been really tired. "I have something for you."

"Kaylee." I said a little bit louder. She groaned and I laughed.

"Go away I'm trying to sleep." She said.

"What if I had the cure for the apocalypse?" I said.

"I still wouldn't care."

"What if I started playing Sleeping with Sirens?" I said. I smiled as she sat up.

"What?" She asked.

"Just look," I showed her the radio and the CDs. "I remember coming here once, when I was younger, and the manager always telling me to stay out of the closet because of 'important supplies', and I just found a radio and CDs, plus other junk, and once I found Sleeping with Sirens, I knew you would love it."

"You know me too well."

>Yupp... Random update but I have a couple weeks off so I will update more!! *yay*!!<

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