Chapter - 13

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Hailey's P.O.V 

"Justin, what is it?" i asked curiously, i started to worry he's worring me. is there something important for him to say.?

"" his voice is shaking, im so curious i need to know what is happening.i huffed and glared at him.

"I..have to say something really important" he's repeating his words over and over.

"You said that for 10th time..justin spell it out, im getting nervous!" im getting so anoyyed he does that all the time!!."Okay okay" he said then closed his eyes ready to fucking talk.

"i love you hailey, i have always been but i couldn't tell you. i don't know why but i was to weak. i love you hailey, i really do!" as he finished his words he opend his eyes, i couldn't say a word, justin..he can't do this we're friends and i love him as a friend plus im dating harry. i can't. before i can speak the door broke open, then harry stormed in and grabbed justin from his shirt pushed him against the wall, a crack sound came out."Don't you dare say that to her, she is not falling for you. only me.She's mine" harry said with anger in his voice.i saw a hurt look in justin's eyes when harry said 'mine'. i saw harry giving justin a biff across his cheek. thats enough.

"Harry stop your hurting him." i ran to harry trying to pull him away from justin but failed he's more stronger than me.stronger than justin."Harry please stop, please" i begged him but he's just not listening to me."He has to learn not to come near you ever again, never talk to you again" harry said while punching him really hard. if harry didn't stop justin in any second will pass out. "harry if you won't stop i will leave and not come again, i'll leave" i threatened him. i care for justin more than i do to myself, and i can't stand watching him agonize. im sure i won't stand a day without harry but he needs to stop. he acually stoped minutes later, he went out of the room, i ran to justin resting his head on my lap, i started to push his hair away fom his face."Oh my god justin im so sorry, i didn't meant for all this to happen its my fault" i cried i can't watch him, he has a black eye and a purple cheek. he hushed me." Hailey im okay, its not your fault, im the one who is sorry. forget everything i say i shouldn't have said that, your taken" he barley talked he's so hurt i cried more knowing i caused this. my boyfriend caused it.

"come on i'll take you to your house." i said getting him up, i know it will hurt him but he can't stay here harry is angry and if he knew that he will stay here he will lose it."Hailey i can drive myself, i don't want to bother you, seriously im okay" he lied, he is not okay its obvious he is so torn up. but he said he is okay then he can drive."Are you sure?" i asked un sure if he is telling the truth, he smiled in return and nod, he got up hugged me and told me goodnight and walked off.

justin is gone as soon as he closed the door, harry got off the couch and stormed to the bedroom.closed the door behind him, or should i say almost breaking the door behind him i jumped from the loud noise. i sighed and started to clean the living room, when im done i took a blanket from the basket then lied on the couch harry doesn't want me, i closed my eyes trying to sleep. as im doing it so close, a loud bombing sound came i jumped from the couch i almost fell on the floor, i lied again ignoring the sound.but it came again more louder, i closed my ears using my hands, im afriad of thunder and lighting. i feel so scared and i feel crying. i got off the couch and slowly walked to the bedroom door i creap the door open,"Harry can i sleep in here." i know he is still awake, if he was asleep he would snore but i can't hear his snores so i know he's awake."Whatever" he said with no emotion in his voice, i step in the cold room. i shiverd its so cold in here.

I climbed ontop of the bed,coverd myself with blanket, im not facing harry im facing the other side, harry is too he is facing the other side so our backs is meeting. the bombing sound came even more and more louder than the one's before, i jumped the whole bed shaked, i feel a single hot tear falling from my eyes. i can't sleep like this. i need something.

i feel movement on the bed then i feel two pare warm hands on my waist. i turn and faced harry. i burried my head into his chest."Shsh..i got you baby. im right here, i will protect you" harry said in raspy voice hugging me tighter and interwined our legs, i kissed his warm chest, then i knew something i needed harry.

Hey guys sorry the chapter is short but i had a busy and tough day..My dad has arrived he was in another city for a mounth so i have to stay with him this weekend but i will try to update a long chapter tomorrow. thanks guys love you <3




Thanks alot i will apreciate it alot if you followed her. <3


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