Dear Diary 8/29/16; highschool

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2 am pst
I feel like I did highschool wrong
I was telling Lisa that I think I did it wrong because I didn't have fun until the last semester of my senior year.
I didn't make friends at all during my first 3 years.
Freshman year I just hid behind my sister and hung out with her friends
It was fine because I liked them and by the end of the year they also saw me as their friend, however that ended because they all graduated and I was left alone.
I don't mind being alone, I actually liked it, I just don't like being seen alone. During 10th grade I spend every nutrition and lunch at the library, probably my best year because i read so much and I discovered my favorite book that changed me as a person, anyways going into 11th there was a change in librarian and soon it because a hectic hang out place for very loud weeaboos and scene kids as well as the "nerds". so my peaceful days came to an end.
With no where to go I began to hang out with a girl who had recently befriended me, this is when star comes into the picture, I was in complete awe of her, to me she was the coolest person I had met since entering highschool, we related so much and I had the best conversations about books, movies, and art, it felt like I had met my soulmate. I didn't hang out with her much at the time though, I was still very slow in opening up to her so my refuge at the time was the college office, during the breaks I would go there and I noticed it was a hang out spot for the cheerleaders and football team, just to be clear "cliques" aren't a huge thing, sure the geeks hang out with geeks, and the "jocks" hang out with "jocks" but in all reality these stereotypes you're probably imagining aren't at all what it was.
I'm not sure how it goes in other highschools but where I live it's very culturally diverse, so I'm not sure how the rules are changed but they are.
Point being the college office was my salvation for 11th grade but towards the end star began taking more and more of my time, by senior year she was calling me her best friend.

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