Dear Diary 9/6/16

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A lot of shit has happened but it's actually been a good weekend for once.
Sunday night was smiths night and the whole night was fun but we did hit a couple of bumps
Going into the club was a lot of fun, we all are huge Morrissey fans so we all were groovin, but this security comes out of no where being an asshole, one of my friends was drinking and 21 and over people had to have a wristband but they didn't give him a wrist band because he didn't have proper ID and this dude was tripping, we all tried  confronting the dude but he takes my friend out and it was early in the night so none of us freaked out and he did end up coming back with just a warning.
Fast forward an hour or two and we're all dancing and I'm not sure if it was the same security guy but he comes up and starts being a really huge asshole, trying to kick out that same friend, we're all yelling because when he came up my friend was not at all drinking, there was no drink in his hand or anything and the guy starts getting aggressive threatening all of us.
He's actually gonna kick him out this time and finally my friend gives in and is about to leave, that's when we all go to leave and the security guy said we didn't have to leave just him but we were like fuck that you gotta support your homie.
That's one bump
All of us, we're like a group of 12, are just chilling outside like "what should we do now? Go home?" So in the heat of that 2 of my friends start fighting and they stop talking so he just ended up going home and it just sucked that that had to happen but the rest of us decided to go to the park and it was fun, all that previous shit it would have been best if it didn't happen but you know what are you gonna do? We just dealt with it and tried making most of our night .
Half the crew there I didn't really know too well, I had mostly just seen them at parties or shows, but they're all sweet and I really liked them so hope I see them next time.

Well that was my Sunday guys, and Monday today I went to the beach which is always my favorite thing to do.
And wow I said a lot happened but it's just been 2 days of event
Whatever tho these days have been long.

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