Chapter 4- The outburst

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He was ruthless, cold and angry;even towards his mate
I walk like a zombie to no particular place, maybe that's what I am. I'm like a dead soul living on earth, a person who doesn't deserve to live. My feet ache, I'm not meant to be standing but I don't care. I feel numb.

He's not here, I would know.

I guess being a wolf has its advantages...

I open the front door slightly and peak out, people are talking. One thing I've noticed about this pack is that all houses are wooden, the old pack was cement like in the ancient times. It made me feel lonely and isolated, I was always trapped behind the cement walls never being able to leave out of fear. If I was ever outside, I'd have to be careful, I was weary and scared.

When someone looks in my direction I slam the door shut quickly, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

I swallow and turn around waddling to the kitchen, shattered glass and blood is on the floor. Wouldn't they have cleaned that up by now?

I shut my eyes tightly and re open them, it's gone. That's strange...

'Bish you're hallucinating," Celeste mutters.

My stomach rumbles and I look to the fridge, wondering if I'm able to eat something. As my stomach continues to remind me of its presence I slowly walk to the fridge and open it. I grab out some strawberries and bite into one, pulling at the green leaf.

I freeze when I hear a gruff voice and timidly turn around with a strawberry in my mouth.

"Do you mind scavenging on my food?" I quickly swallow the strawberry and scurry up, but Gravity has an effect on me today because I effectively fall on my face in front of my mate.

I weakly look up and groan, "I- I am really s-sorry."

He shrugs, "you haven't eaten. And what's this I hear about you peaking out the door then when a pack member looks you slam the door shut?" He raises an eyebrow with no emotion in his eyes.

"I... Uh.... I," I shrug in the end.

He walks closer getting in my face and I turn my head, "tell me Lily, did they give you food?" He asks with cold eyes.

"Of course," I whisper.

He growls, "if they gave you food then you wouldn't be this malnourished!" He roars and I flinch.

His eyes don't soften at all, they stay still, hard, cold and trained on my every movement.

"You know the doctor told me that you have to gain weight, so you can weigh the normal size of whatever age you are."

"I-I'm 21," I stutter.

He grabs my arm pulling me up off the ground and pulls me to the scales, I wince feeling the pain in my feet.

"Stand on it," he hisses and I stand on it.

The weight finishes at 30 kilos, I gulp, "you have to gain at least 40 more kilos Lily," he growls.

I'm unsure if him growling is his coping mechanism, but it seems that way. Maybe he wants what's best for me and the only way to tell me is through his anger.

I nod and he hands me a packet of chips, well shoves it in my arms. Usually I'm not very hungry, I was used to having small portions of food a day. Sometimes, none at all.

"Luca!" I hear.

I look at the beta Liam and he smiles, all of a sudden Luca blocks me from Liam's view.

I frown, is he embarrassed to be seen with me?

'Celeste?' I whisper.

'Why does mate treat us like this,' she whimpers retreating to the the back of my head, laying down on the floor sadly; I sigh not liking it when my wolf gets upset. She never gets upset so it does hurt when she is, it would have to be an important reason for her to be sad.

If only I knew why he was treating us like this...

"Liam you have bad timing," Luca says cooly.

"What's up?" Liam asks.

"I'm not letting you see my mate in short shorts," he growls and my mouth forms an 'o' shape.

At least he showed that he's protective!

Celeste cheers in my head and I smile, Luca turns around and he points up stairs. "Go," I nod still holding the chips and limp towards the stairs.

"Luna do you need help?" I look at Liam and Luca growls.

I sigh turning around and slowly walk up the stairs, I hear Luca growl in frustration.

"MOVE FASTER!" He roars and I snap my head towards him with angry eyes.

"IM TRYING! I can't exactly walk perfectly fine when I stood on glass yesterday and my feet are swollen, but my own mate won't help me!" I shout and immediately shut my mouth closed, shrinking back in fear. He looks taken back by my outburst and he clears his throat, "I honestly thought that my mate would save me from the demons I live with every day, but he's too busy staring at me with empty pools of loneliness, the cold truth," I whisper and start walking up stairs.

Once I reach my room I sigh in relief and lean against the door, I slide down it and put my head in between my knees crying.

"I'm so weak," I whisper.

"Yes you are," I look up and close my eyes when I see alpha Jones before me.

He's not real. 'Lily don't listen to anything he says!' Celeste says.

I dig my nails into my hands drawling out blood, I look at my hands and then look up again to see he's gone.

I clean my hands and look at my medication and foot stuff on the bedside table.

I do the process then wrap it in a bandage to stop infections, I lay in bed and close my eyes.

'Lily maybe he's just-' I cut her off.

'No stop making excuses for him. If he really cared he would have followed us up to check if I'm okay, but he didn't okay?' She stays silent and I shake my head.

He doesn't care, that's the hard truth.

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