Chapter 58- Tyler

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Zac Efron plays Tyler

Storms Pov

Lily told Luca so I can tell Ty right? No.

Lily is more shy than me and she can even tell Luca how she feels! But how will he react? He will be mad at me for keeping it a secret all this time, I'm surprised he hasn't heard the babies heart beat.

I take a deep breath and stand, I hear Tyler's work out music and I sigh. At least he won't hear my erratic heart beat, I walk out of the room and to the back yard where he trains and all that stuff.

I look at him to see he's doing push ups, sweat is glistening down his back and his muscles are flexing.

I clear my throat but he obviously doesn't hear, "Tyler," he looks up and smiles, he stands dusting off his hands.

He switches off the music and walks over towards me, he frowns when seeing my pale face.

"Storm?" I close my eyes and he cups my cheeks, "Storm babe, what's wrong?" I open my blue orbs and look into his own blue ones.

"I-I need to tell you something," he nods and pulls me inside by the hand, he slightly jogs and I stumble.

My throat starts to burn, 'gonna vomit!' Rae my wolf shouts.

I spew up all the contents I ate today on the counter and tears well in my eyes, "I-I'm sorry," he shakes his head and smiles.

He starts cleaning the mess up for me and I smile, "thank you," I whisper.

"What did you want to tell me?" Right.

"I'm pregnant," I blurt out and he freezes.

He slowly looks up and I nervously fiddle with my fingers, he grins, "that's great! When did you find out?" He hugs me tightly.

"Two weeks ago?" I sheepishly say and he growls pulling back.

"And you haven't told me!" He roars and I flinch backing up.

One thing I hate about pregnancy is the mood swings, crying and all that sensitivity.

I'm not the crying type, I'm a cool type.

In any other situation I would of yelled back but my mind is too busy getting emotional on me, tears well in my eyes and I almost groan.

His eyes widen and I growl angrily stomping away to our room, he follows me like a lost puppy and I jump on the bed.

"Careful!" He exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up!" I exclaim and he huffs.

"Look I'm sorry."

"I-I know I shouldn't of kept it from you, I was scared and the longer I kept it away from you I knew you would react worse. You deserve to be mad at me," I whisper, he lifts my head up.

"I'm just upset," he whispers, I wrap my arms around his neck and smile.

He places his hand on my slightly enlarged belly, the baby kicks and he grins.

"We are going to be parents Storm," he whispers and I smile softly.

"Yes we are."
Lilys pov
"So I was thinking..." Luca says and I look at him.

"Don't we all?" He rolls his eyes.

"That's past the point! So we should start making the babies room and the babies play room!" I laugh.

"You are so cute," he pouts.

"I'm manly," I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Keep talking," I insist and he grins.

"We have enough spare rooms to make a play area and his bedroom," I nod in agreement.

"Is that doctor from last time coming in?" I ask, he shakes his head sadly.

"He passed," he whispered and I look down.


"So doctor Mackenzie is coming in," I nod.

I jump off the stool and he looks at me with narrowed eyes, "what?" I question.

"You could hurt yourself, or the baby," I roll my eyes, "I'm being serious."

"I'm not going to hurt myself or our baby," I assure him, he sighs and I grab his hand, "I promise."

A knock interrupts our moment, "I will get it, you lay on the couch."

"If it involves laying down then I'm all for it," I say and walk to the couch, I lay down placing my hands on my belly.

Luca walks in with I presume Dr Mackenzie, she gives me a bright smile.

She's about 35 years old, she has brunette hair, brown eyes, pale skin and dark pink lips.

Luca sits on the single chair and places his arms behind his head, "good morning Luna," I smile.

"Good morning," she sets up everything and gets out a heart beat monitor, she places it to my belly and listens.

"Ah I can hear the little heartbeat," she grins very happy, she clears her throat and places them down.

She hands me some vitamin tablets and looks at both of us, "so the babies heart beat is perfectly fine but I need you to come in to the pack hospital so I can do some tests, the future alpha will be born in most likely 4 to 5 months it really depends since alpha babies are quicker."

"Thank you doctor Mackenzie," she bows, "I'm very excited for our future alpha to be born," we both look at each other and smile.

"So are we."

She bids us goodbye and Luca smiles to himself ,"well that went well," I roll my eyes.

"I should go to bed," I say and he nods in agreement standing, I'm about to stand myself but he scoops me in his arms and carries me to our bedroom.

He places me on the bed and throws the blankets over me, he gets under and wraps an arm around me.

"Have a good nap," he whispers and I fall asleep.

HEYO! I was literally writing this while falling asleep, my eyes kept dropping!

It's so early here though, but I've had a long week.... Hope you liked this chapter.


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