62- heartbeat

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"That was a terrifying sight," I whisper looking wide eyed at the carpet, I see Luca nod in the corner of my eye

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"That was a terrifying sight," I whisper looking wide eyed at the carpet, I see Luca nod in the corner of my eye.

Is that what it's going to be like when I have a baby? I'm scared now...

Luca wraps his arms around me seeing my discomfort, "flower it's going to be fine," I look at him in horror.

"No it's not!" I exclaim.

"Well at least we get a good outcome," I sigh.

"Our pups due in a month Luca," I whisper, "a month for me to be terrified, great," I slap my legs.

"I know that," he replies rubbing my thigh trying to soothe me.

"Luca," I warn.

"What?" He asks confusion laced in his voice, he sniffs the air and stills, "ohhhh" he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, I've been getting more...." I cringe.

"Horny?" I click my tongue.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly say, "oh can we set up our pups room!?" He nods, "first I want to go to the doctor," he sighs.

"I will call her," I nod and he calls her.

She arrives in a couple of minutes, "what seems to be the problem Luna?" She asks.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

"Can you hear that?" I ask, I just figured it out today.

They listen intently, Lucas eyes widen in surprise, "two heartbeats...." Oh no...

"THIS IS GOING TO BE SO PAINFUL!" I screech and stand up pacing.

Luca grabs my hands gently but I pull them away, "flower calm down," I shake my head.

"Luna I can give you a needle that will make you not feel any pain," I pause taking deep breaths.

"R-really?" She nods and smiles, I grin and fall back closing my eyes.

Hands grab my waist and I pout, "careful," I sigh, "can we know the gender?" She nods.

"We are going to have to go to the pack hospital though."

"Fine by me," I say.
"It appears that you are having a baby girl as well," she smiles, I grin.

"I told Storm that the first alpha baby can be a girl!" I exclaim grinning.

"Technically the boy was the first alpha baby," I glare pointing a finger at Luca.

"Stop ruining my theory!" He puts his hands up in surrender, smirking.

"Thanks Mackenzie," she nods and bows, Luca carries me home despite my protests of wanting to walk.

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