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"He met his mate," Cory says over the phone, Storm and I look at each other grinning.

"Is he still being a moody ass hole?" Storm pipes in.

Cory groans "no, maybe, kinda, I don't know!" He exclaims.

"Where is she now?" I ask looking around the room, my eyes stop at the glass door seeing Tyler and Luca chilling, drinking beer and totally unaware that Toby has found his mate.

Hopefully she will change him...

God Toby is an asshole of a son, oh well.

"She's... Asleep," he grumbles.

"And where is Toby?" I ask.

"Talking to her parents, look I got to go," he says.

"Okay bye!" We say and hang up.

"Well then..." I say, Storm blinks and looks outside.

"Let's tell the men," she stands, I follow her outside and hear their deep laughter.

Luca's black hair falls over his eyes and I smile, every thing will be okay soon.

They look at us as we both smile, Luca pulls me on his lap and kisses me on the lips smiling like a lunatic.

"Hey flower," he grins.

"Hey Luke," I smile.

"What are you ladies doing?" Tyler asks grabbing Storms hand.

"We need to tell you some juicy gossip," we look at each other and clap our hands together.

I see Tyler lean forward on his seat, interested and unprepared for what's to come.

"Tobias found his mate."


Luca and Tyler stare silently, Storm and I stay quiet not sure if what else to say. What is there to say? I've basically covered it all!

"What!?" They exclaim, surprise and happiness clear in their voices.

None of us like a grumpy Toby.

"Yeah, do you think she will change him after what happened?" Storm asks, we grow silent.

"I'm not sure," I mumble to myself.

"Hopefully, I don't do not appreciate the way he treats the kids and my queen," Luca winks at me, I blush.

I've been with him for over 30 years and I still blush at his cheesy comments, why God?

"That was way too cheesy Luca," Storm shakes her head.

He pouts glaring, he may look scary but I swear he's a soft at heart.

Hopefully he doesn't scare away Toby's mate.

"Oh my god she's so pretty, isn't she Luca?!" I exclaim looking at the beauty in front of me.

So we have met Toby's mate, her names Sophia, she has brown long hair, chocolate eyes, fair skin, she's thin, her cheeks are well defined and her face is soft.

She is really beautiful.

"Yup," Luca says almost bored, I glare at him.

'You are being rude!' I exclaim in our link, he looks at me.

'I'm sorry babe' he says.

I inspect Sophia and gasp when I notice two wolfs looking at each other and a red mark around it on her neck, Toby marked her?

I almost squeal in excitement, bouncing in my toes.

"He marked you already?!"

"He marked me without my permission," she whispers, I gasp surprised that Tobias would actually do that.

'Stupid boy' Celeste mutters.

"TOBIAS PATRICK KNIGHT YOU DID'NT!?" I exclaim "your father didn't even do that!" I yell trying to make him feel bad, the poor girl!

He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly and glares at Sophia slightly, I glare at him.

Sophia zones out and Toby grabs her hand gently intertwining their hands, this is a surprising sight.

"You okay sweetheart?" Tobias questions.


She nods "I'm fine," She whispers, he growls lowly pushing her against the wall.

"Sophie," he whispers, I look down sadly. "I've learned that when a girl says she's fine... She's not," he whispers again.

My eyes widen and I stand off the chair, Luca stands walking to me and wrapping an arm to comfort me.

"It was n-nice meeting you Sophia," I whisper needing to be inside.

"Nice meeting you too Luna Lily," She bows and I scoff.

"No need for that, we are basically family now! Call me Lily or mum," I smile at her.

Luca and I walk away to our room and I sigh sitting on the bed "flower..." Luca whispers laying down and lifting me so I straddle his lap.

"I miss her Luca," I cry.

His eyes soften and he reaches up, cupping my face "baby," he wipes a tear away from my eye and pushes my hair behind my ear.

"I miss her so much," he pulls me to his chest tracing circles on my back.

"So do I, I love you."

"I love you too."


This means so much to me and I never expected any of this to happen, your support means so much to me and it makes me happy that you like my book.

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