Chapter 56- lovebites

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I reckon y'all should check out 'to love her' by @kittykatty2018

I reckon y'all should check out 'to love her' by @kittykatty2018

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"My guess was right" I say, all 200 of us look around cautiously.

"Keep an eye out, he could be watching us" Liam mumbles.

He looks at the ground and opens the wooden door that leads to a basement, he jumps down first and I jump after. Slowly each and everyone of us make it into this surprisingly large space, I gulp.

"Keep moving" I whisper.

"L-Liam?" I hear Stella whisper.

"Yes baby?" He asks, I look at them. She grips onto his bicep, tears in her vision.

"I-I love you" he grins and kisses her.

"I love you too, promise me you will try to be safe. Don't go all bad ass on me" she chuckles.

"I won't... Maybe" he laughs and everything goes silent.

I hear growls, snarls and screams; I gasp.

"Luca" I whisper.

'Celeste can you sense him?' I ask and she waits a bit.

'Yes' she shouts in glee.

The screams become more audible and I close my eyes tightly feeling my whole body burning up from the pain he's in, "you ready?" He whispers and I nod.

We step out from the shadows and I gasp, Luca has electrical wires attached to him and they're on! His hand is chained up by a silver cuff, that's why my wrist hurt.

Alpha Jones spins around quickly "how did you find me" I imagine roots turning off the switch and it does, Luca sighs in relief and looks up slowly.

His eyes are plain and he looks worn but they brighten when he sees me "f-flower?" I allow softly.

I turn back to Michael with a snarl, all of a sudden the beast shows up standing next to him.

"Why don't you show who you truly are beast" the fur soon turns to skin and a brown familiar mop of hair shows.

We all gasp and Luca growls lowly "J-Jake?" I whisper and he looks at me.

"That's right... Jake is my little, well big pet" he chuckles.

Jake looks at Luca "Luca" he starts off but Luca growls.


"Yeah and he threatened to kill my parents!" He shouts.

"You hurt Lily" he growls, Jake looks at me.

"Why?" I growl.

"I-I had to" he stutters and I scoff.

"Bull crap" he looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Luca... Lily...please" I snarl at him angrily.

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