Chapter 59- late night food trips

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IF YOU DO NOT LIKE HOW I SET MY CHARACTERS THEN LEAVE! But for those people who like them then I love you!!! Sorry I'm just having a bad week...

IF YOU DO NOT LIKE HOW I SET MY CHARACTERS THEN LEAVE! But for those people who like them then I love you!!! Sorry I'm just having a bad week

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"I told him," she pants, I look at Storm in confusion.

"What?" I ask chewing on popcorn while watching the vampire diaries on our new installed tv, I pause it after shoving popcorn in my mouth and chewing loudly trying to taunt her.

"I told Tyler," my mouth opens, a few popcorn pieces fall out of my mouth. I quickly grab them and shove them into my mouth, she looks at me in horror.

"You are truly disgusting," she says and I shrug.

"I'm in a committed relationship with my food, unlike you," she rolls her eyes and I swallow the popcorn.

"Anyways back to more important situations," she mutters, "so yeah I told Tyler," I nod, we've established that.


"And he got mad that I kept it from him which we all expected..." She mutters and I nod in agreement.

"You should of told him earlier, I can't believe he didn't notice; he's utterly stupid," Storm laughs silently agreeing.

I sigh and lay back in bed munching on popcorn, cravings have been getting the best of me lately.

"We should have baby showers, you first because you were pregnant first than me," she laughs and nods.

"Great idea," I grin and yawn tiredly.

"I'm really tired," I whisper and she grins.

"Okay well I have to go anyway," she says standing from the couch in the corner, why even is there a couch in our room?

She says goodbye the walks out of the room, I smile and close my eyes falling asleep slowly.

"Lily," someone whispers in my ear, I open my eyes and see Luca smirking at me.

"What?" I grumble tiredly.

"Doctors appointment remember," I sigh and nod, I sit up but he places his arm under my knees and the other one around my back.

"I can walk," I say not wanting him to think he has to carry me everywhere, he smiles.

"I want to carry you," I shrug, free ride.

He walks out of the house, the sun is starting to set. Vibrant colours splash across the sky and I smile leaning my head against Luca's shoulder, pink, purple and blue.

"It's so pretty," I say and he nods in agreement.

He walks into the pack house and heads straight to the pack doctor, he just carries me into a room and places me on the bed.

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