Chapter 11 - Family is family

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No. No. No! I cant even keep a promise or my family safe. What can I do!? I hold the crying Jade in my arms. Theres only one thing I can really do. My father will be to busy focusing on his new toy then he will be trying to get to me. I wrap Jade up in a blanket and run as fast as I can. I'm gonna fix this.

I knock on the big oak doors and I instantly regret my decision. Justin opens the door and I stare at him. He was wearing jeans and his chest was exposed. He was really hot. Damn. "Whats the traitor doing here?" He says crossing his arms. Okay moment over. I push past him and storm inside. "Hey, get out of my house. This cost me money and I dont need traitor scent all in it" he says. I turn to face him and its only then that he seems to notice Jade. "Great so traitor and kidnapper" he says and I growl. I put Jade down and pin Justin to a wall. "Hex is dead Justin!" I yell and he stands there shocked. "H..Hex cant be dead" he says. "I saw him die. He died in my arms and I promised id protect Jade. As for you, you said you'd protect a human that you let disappear." I tell him and for once he keeps quiet. "You say I went from traitor to kidnapper, well guess what Justin, YOU'RE NO BETTER! YOU WENT FROM BEST FRIEND TO BULLY ALL BECAUSE RUMOURS SPREAD THAT I WAS LIKE MY FATHER!" I said rage building up inside of me. "You didnt even hear my side of the story so now you owe me." I tell him and he still remains quiet. "Not such a tough guy now huh?" I say and I see tears build in his eyes but they quickly disappear. "So what can I do huh?" He asks and I release him. "Look after Jade" I said as I open the front door. I turn back to see Jade in Justins arms. "What are you gonna do?" He asks and I look at the floor. "I'm going to get my cousin back"

I storm into the castle gates, im surprised how far my dad decide to camp out of the city. The walls of the castles burnt and damaged. I walk through familiar halls and see burnt tapestries everywhere. I hear a small scream come from a room down the hall. I run to the end of the hallway and enter a massive room. Tables and chairs destroyed, scratches lined the walls. I look over to see the bastard whos taken control of my brothers body, feeding on my cousin. "Father" I said and he stops feeding. "Oh finally decided to join me?" He asks smiling, the blood dripping down his face. "No," I said pulling out my dagger, "I'm here to kill you" I say and he laughs. "Oh really Faithy, you think you can kill me?" He asks and I glare at him. "Come on then sweetheart...give it your best shot" he says, opening his arms to welcome the blade. I growl and run at him full force. He swiftly moves out the way and grabs the hand holding the blade. His right hand grasped tightly around my wrist while his left hand curled around my neck. "Join us Faith. I have followers everywhere, waiting to return. You can be a princess sweetheart" he whispers into my ear. I growl and struggle against him. "NEVER!" I scream and he pins me to a wall by my throat. I'm lifted of my feet as I stare into my fathers cold eyes. It was terrifying. Seeing my fathers eyes in my brothers body. "Now Faith" he says and he slams my head into the wall. "I didnt quiet hear what you said last time" he slams my head harder into the wall and I heard my skull crack. His grip tightens around my throat, "did I hear you say you will join us?" He asks and I submit. "Y..yes" I stutter. My entire body was filled with pain. He releases me and I fall to the floor. He walks over to Lilyana who tries hiding a little. I see the terror in her eyes. He drags her over to me and I see her struggle a little. "Drink my dear...we can be a family again" he says and he sinks his fangs into the left side of her neck. I smell the blood pour into his mouth and I craved it for myself. Id never given into the temptation to feed from a human. My father retracts his fangs and looks at me. "Drink Faith. Show me you're really my daughter" he says and I smile. I bring my lips closer to Lilys neck and I hear her quietly begging for me not to bite her. I lick up the blood dripping down her neck from where my father had fed from her and id never tasted blood so sweet. I lengthened my fangs and pierced Lilys skin with my teeth. I hear her grunt in pain. Lets hope this works. I try not to focus on the blood running into my mouth and I try to communicate with Lily "Lily if you can hear me, clench your fists..." I tell her inside her mind and I feel her hands clench together. "Oh thank god you can hear me. Just go along with what my fathers doing. I'm gonna get is out of here" I tell her and I release my fangs from her neck. "How was it my dear?" My fathers asks and I lick the blood from my lips. "That...was was exhilarating." I tell him and he smiles as Lily loses conciousness and falls backwards into his arms. He looks up from her and smiles at me. "There's my girl."

My head was spinning when I got up off the floor. Faith is here. She said she was going to get us out. "Little Lily! Come make us dinner!" Sighing I slowly walked out of the room and into a huge kitchen with Faith and her father who is possessing Cias. "Yes master." I mumbled. My neck still hurt. A lot. And I felt so weak. I haven't been fed and it doesn't help when I get drained every so second. I finished cutting up the bloody meat and gave it to them. They stared at me and I lowered my head. "Little Lily. Aren't you suppose to be doing something?" Faith mocked. I wanted to slap her grin off of her face. I didn't still trust her. How should I. She let me get taken. Remembering the rules I sat at Faiths fathers feet. He patted my head and I heard them dig in. I was so hungry. I would pretty much die soon. I didn't care if I do. All I wanted to do was find my family, dead or alive. Guess I won't now. He played with my hair and rubbed my arms. "She is so tamed now." He said to Faith. Yeah cause I'm such a dog. I kept my head bowed. "She is. How did you do it father?" She asked him. I wanted to scoff. "You know, some beatings, blood draining you know the usual." He lifted me up so I was straddling him. I moved my dirty hair to reveal my neck. He gripped my breasts and pierced my neck, sucking my blood. I didn't give any reaction. Not like I needed to. Yeah he drank and bites hard but I am use to it now. He stopped and leaned close to my ear. "Thanks little Lily. Go to the closet and stay there till I let you out." He said and kissed my neck. "Yes master." I said and walked over to the closet. I opened it and walked in, shutting the door behind me. It locks from the outside. So I won't be able to get out till someone let's me out. Let me tell you something, I'll be in here for a pretty long time. I curled up in the corner and closed my eyes. Sleep. I need sleep.

I woke up to the door opening. Faiths father and herself stood there. He whistled to me like I'm some pet. I got up and walked over to them my head lowered. He patted my hair. "Good girl. Time for some fun little Lily." Fun. What possibly could fun mean. I have to go through with it though. "Yes master."

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