Chapter 9 - Wild card

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Human bitch better stay out of this room or I'll have her for dinner. I walk further into the library and look at all the books. I run my hand over the book that Lily left on the desk. I hope she wasnt trying to do magic it could get her killed. I sit down on the chair and flip through the book. Spells and different gems were scribbled all over the pages of the book. I turned a page and a picture feel out. It was of Hex and his family. Tears begin falling down my cheek. Its then that I hear the baby crying. I place the book down and head back to the nursery. I put my hand on the babys crib and she grabs my fingers and she begins laughing. I then see a similar necklace around her neck. It was the one Hex was wearing. I take it off the newborn babies neck and put it on mine. The small crystal glows a little and I smile. He put his magic in this crystal. I see a note scrunched up in the babies pocket. I pull it out and read it

Faith, if you're reading this then I am dead. Your father is back and seems to have possesed your brother. From what ive seen anyway. You'll need my magic to protect you. Learn from the spell books, get stronger and stay safe. Dont take on your father till you're ready. Make peace with Lily. She is family, the inly blood family you have right now. You're like a daughter to me and you'll always be family. I'm watching over you and Jade and Lilyarna. I love you Faith. I will always protect you. My sweet Faith. Dont let rage make you weak. Let love make you strong
- Hex

Teats began building in my eyes. "Hex you bastard. You owe me big time" I mutter outloud. "Faith" I hear someone mutter behind me. "Look after Jade, I have to work on something" I said and storm past lily and up to the study. I'll see you soon father. And I'll send you right back to hell.

I was going to ask what was wrong but I found out when a scrunched up piece if paper was on the floor. I read it. I smiled and looked over at Jade. "Hey sweety." She gave me a baby giggle. I rocked her and sang a lullaby. I didn't know who sang it to me but it was someone. She closed her small eyes. I stayed with her for a few hours to make sure she's fast asleep.

Good now I'm going to go talk to that vampire girl and knock some sense in to her. Storming my way through this place I find the study. I pushed the bloody door open. "What the bloody hell are you thinking!" She growls and ignores me. "Go away. I thought I told you to look after Jade." I stormed over and slammed my hands on to the desk. "You are not facing your father alone! Youre vulnerable!" She can't go after him when she isn't stronger than him. She can get killed. Faiths stood and pointed her finger at me. "You don't have a say in it!" I growled. "Yes I do! I don't want anymore people dying so think twice!" I yelled and stormed out. I strode the halls and back to the nursery. Jade started crying. "Aw sweety come here." I lifted her up and rocked her. Singing the song. I'm hoping Faith doesn't think to rash.

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