Chapter 13 - predator and prey

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Oh no. Not their games. Dante continued to kiss me neck. I giggled and walked back over beside my father. "Faith, would you like to take her out for the game?" My father asked and I smiled and nodded my head. "Oh no fair Kalous. Maybe I wanted to" Jyrax complained. I poked my tongue out at him. "You sound like a child Jyrax" I said as I grabbed Lilys upper arm. I had to be rough with her and I heard her hiss in pain. "You have five minutes Faith. Better get started" My father said and I smiled. I dragged Lily out of the castle and she didnt say a word.

"What the hell are they playing Faith?" Lily asked when we reached the forest outside the castle. "Vampire games. We dont hunt but our instincts teach us how too. You're supposed to run for your life and whoever catches you, gets to decide what everyone does with you" I tell her and I feel her jump. I hear someone come up behind me. I turn to see Dante standing there. "Faith" he says stepping close and Lily hides behind me. "I'm glad you're okay" he says and I run up and hug him. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. And good acting" I tell him and he smiles. "anytime. Now come on they're gonna come looking soon" he says and he picks Lily up bridal style. We zoom through the woods hoping to hide from the other blood suckers. "READY OR NOT FAITH! WERE COMING FOR HER!" I hear Jyrax yell. Shit. I look at Dante and I knew he had a plan. "Sorry Faith" he says "I cant let them hurt you" he says and slams my face into a tree. I watch as he carries Lily away. Then darkness drags me under.

"What the hell you physco vamp put me down!" Lily yelled. I dropped her and she fell on her ass. "I'm trynna save your life" I tell her and I hear some leaves rustle behind me. "Long time no see mate" a familiar voice called. It was Alerik. "Sorry I'm late but I heard there were games to be played and I didnt want to miss out. Seems you caught her" he says and I smile. "Yep I..." I was cut off by Jyrax screaming my name. The other three vamps speed up to where Alerik and I were standing. They found Faith. Faith was lying in Jyrax's arms, completely limp. "What the hell did you do to my daughter!" Kalous yelled and I grabbed Lily. "She's mine. I found her." I tell them and Kalous zooms up to me and slams me into a tree. "MY DAUGHTER WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO GET HURT! You want the human all to yourself." He screams and I know I'm about to die. He slams his hand into my chest and his fingers wrap around my heart. "Neither of them, are yours to take" he says and the last thing I see is my heart in Kalous' hands before I feel the cold hand of death wrap around my throat and drag me away.

I was engrossed at the sight. Kalous ripped Dante's heart out. Eww. After ripping his heart out and glares at me. "Little Lily. Some trouble you've caused," he turned to the others. "We are locking her up. So come on." He gripped my upper arm and dragged me back to the castle. I hissed but didn't say anything. We got to the castle and in a room with a cage. I gulped. "In." Kalous said. "Yes master." I said. I went in and they left.

Five minutes an I'm already bored. Least I'm not getting eaten. I kick the cage door and something good happens. It opens. It's opens! This is my one and only chance. Smiling I tip toe out if the cage and to the door of the room. Its unlocked too. Grinning like a Cheshire cat I got out and ran but quiet. I wanted to laughed but I didn't want the vamps to find I've escaped. I was just about to head to the main door when I heard a chuckle come from behind. Oh no. When I was just about to put a hand in the door someone grabbed me from behind. "GOT HER! I WIN!" He yelled. Oh so this is still a game. Well they had me fouled. I groan. The others come out pouting. I wanted to laugh. Blondey kissed my neck. "Great job son." Jeremiah said. Yeah great job.

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