Memories I Dont Want to Remember

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Your past~


The rays of sun hit my soft face letting my eyelids flutter open. My hazy sight flickers from my blinking, trying to rid of the black dots that form around my eyes.
I wish I had curtains...
"Y/N! Sweetie! Come and get your breakfast!" My mother aforementioned. The bleared feeling vanished as I hop out of my bed.
I randomly choose a shirt and a pair of shorts. The shirt was a paled blue from continuous washing. I remember when I first got it, it was a bright cobalt blue with a pale heart imprinted in the middle. Now since the colour is all washed out, the heart design is gone.
The shorts reach my knees with a cactus green colour. There really isn't anything special about it. The colour was a little brighter before though.
I change into my chosen pair and speed-walked out of my room.
"Good morning!" My mother was clearly an older version of me. First signs of ageing and wrinkles are appearing in places on her face but she still looks beautiful.
She places a plate in front of me.
On the plate, there was three stacked pancakes with maple syrup and a few berries.
I grin at her for another way of showing: thank you! She then replies with a short, sweet giggle. The sound was music to my ears.
Home is the only place where I feel safe. My mother says that I am already getting to know the real world. She says people are cruel and selfish but then some are kind and caring. I might not exactly experience and understand this all first hand but people say baby steps.
It might seem strange for a child like me to know this, I'm only six.

Before I know it, I have already finished my breakfast.
"Your bag is over there! Have a nice day at school!" My mother grinned. A charming memory my mind will never drop or leave behind.
"Thank you! Love you," I pull my bag roughly from the tall chair and walk out the door.

Honestly, I hate school. Not because of the work, I love that part, I mean, the people there.
I never tell my mother this though.
The school isn't so far from my house, making it easy for the bullies and delinquents to come across my house so easily. They always do things like throw objects, steal items or find a way to damage the house. The last option is the reason why we are poor. My father tries his best to work as a wizard while my mother works as a house-wife. They do a good job at it though!

Arriving at the school gate is like arriving at the depths of hell. My fists clench as sweat slowly builds up on my palms.
Here I go.

"Oh. She's back,"

"Why bother turning up if she's just going to fail?"

"It's obvious she is stupid, anyone like her would know they shouldn't go to school looking like that,"

Please help me.


I wonder how it's like to eat dinner with a smile on your face. That has never happened to me.
"Honey? Are you okay?"
I crane my head to look at my mother, later nodding softly.
It's obvious I'm not.
"How about we go shopping tomorrow? It's Saturday tomorrow!" My mother gleams.
I smile back giving a more assuring nod.


"Do you want to get a necklace?"
"Mhmm!" I hum with a closed-eye smile.
she returns the smile and turn into an alleyway. There is a market and elderly couple owns and sells beautiful jewelry.
There is a door at the side of the red brick building to enter the shop. The entrance isn't very good presentation wise but it's decent and sturdy enough to go through.
The door creaks open as we enter the shop of the accessories. When I say 'accessories', I'm saying things like jewelry, hats, masks, scarves and a lot more.
The shop isn't so crowded which was quite convenient and they have different things stocked.
"How about this one?!"

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