Heavy Jealousy

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Natsu's POV

When I saw her face, everything stopped. Yeah, she has that emotionless glare but.. She was the prettiest girl I have ever rested my eyes on. I have this urge to make her smile again but.. How will that work? I scanned the job request board until my eyes settled onto a tanned piece of paper.

Talent show of the Guilds!

On next week, we will be commencing a talent show of wizards. Not just any wizardry show, like showing off your magic. We mean that you show us any other talents you hold, such as singing, dancing and more! The winner will receive 12, 000, 000! Good luck!

My eyes took interest in the various numbers. Twelve million? How did they get that money?
I swipe the request from the board and read the paper again.

"Hmm? Found something?" She peered over my shoulder to look at the request and frowned.
"I'm not doing that."
Before I could answer to her statement, Mira skipped to us.
"Well, that job is obligatory for all wizards of Fiore!" (It isn't, Mira is just trying to get you and Natsu together)
"Eh?!" I yelled, slightly confused.
"Mhm! Me, Erza and Gray are doing it too!!" Lucy joined our conversation.
"Can me and Y/N be partners?!" I squealed.

Lucy's POV

Hearing those words come out of Natsu's mouth made me pray, hoping that it was only an individual event.
"Sadly, it is individual, but if you win, you are representing your guild. And said guild will get a reserved spot in the next grand magic games!" Mira-chan smiled.
Part of me cheered for the fact that Natsu and Y/N aren't together, while the other half felt like they are betraying them. I truly like both of them and they are both my friends but, like they say, 'Love is like a battlefield, you have to fight for it'.
"What are you going to do N/n-chan?!" I cling to her arm, trying to forget my jealousy.
She narrowed her glare at me which made me shrink in my spot.
"I told you, don't call me N/n." She emphasised don't.
"Okay but, what are you going to do?"
"I don't know, maybe something music related?"
"Oo! Mira-chan! Where is this going to be?!"
"It's going to be in Carolina!"
"Isn't Carolina the town we helped?"
"Yep! They are actually a really powerful town! Their mayor has a special relationship with the King, so he was happy with the prize.."
"Wah! I can't wait!" Erza squealed from behind me.
"When is it?" Gray asked with curiosity.
"It's on Wednesday, next week!"
"Eh?! Then we better start packing!"

I know my fillers suck and this was a short chapter, but it gives you a nice brief of what the talent show is going to be. Sting, Rogue, Yukino, Lyon, Hibiki, Eve and Ren will be performing too!

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