Grand Magic Games // Day 1 Battles

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Your POV

"How is she?"
"It isn't as bad as her incident with Minerva so she should be fine for tomorrow," Natsu said with a poisonous tone.
"I see.. Well they are announcing the pairs for the battles," Erza's voice was still laced with anger.

As pairs of wizards were announced, Natsu's eyes gleamed with wrath, hoping to be paired with Akade. The announcer pulled out a card and read it's features.
"Y/N L/N from Fairy Tail and Bihiva Lucia from Blood Parade!"
"Y/-" Natsu started only to be cut off.
"I'll be fine Natsu," I said with an icy tone which was also laced with care.
"Okay," He hesitated.
I jumped from the stand and to the ground. A young, fair girl across from me. The girl had long, bold magenta hair with powerful lime-green eyes. Her clothing consisted of white shorts and a black 'shirt' that revealed quite a lot for someone her age.
She strikes a confident smirk.


For a second, the world felt like it froze for two or three seconds. Time continued as it was supposed to. Her team appeared.

So her magic is illusions? I thought with bouts of doubt.

One of her illusions sprinted to me and morphed his shadow into an inhuman shape. The shadow rose from the ground and attacked me.

Illusions that could attack? No.., these have too much magic power to be an illusion..

I staggered back, holding a tear in my clothing from the attack. Blood stained my cloak.
"And Bihiva attacks first! What extraordinary illusion magic!"

"Apocalyptic dragons talons," I mumble with not as much volume. The magic took a hit at the shadow mage. Of course being able to control his magic, he faded out and reappeared next to Bihiva, giving the sight of him just being an illusion to the naked eye. But to experienced mages, you could tell that he used his magic. It was the actual mage himself.
I clenched my teeth in anger.

How dense are these judges?!

I would yell it out, but I'm not that type of person. I sent an angry glare to the mages.
My fist stretched open again, preparing my next attack. A dark aura surrounded me. I glanced to the corner of my eye. A body zoomed across my vision. I felt something attack my back. The strike stung. The pain felt like millions and millions of tiny daggers jabbing into me.
I continued countering, keeping the team of Blood Parade away. Well, that was until a sight filled my vision.

"M-mum?" I said with a cautious voice.

It really is her.. Right? She looks exactly like her so it must be.
My legs felt like shaking as I walked up to her.

Hah.. I look vulnerable don't I?

Reality broke into my mind as I watched the image of my mother fade into a boy.
The boy had a grin that screamed bloody-murder. He had dark hair with maroon eyes. His orbs glinted ruby-red in the light.
He walked up to me and cupped my chin.

"I took notice of that pinkie on your stand.. Is he your lover?" I felt my entire body freeze.
"You're quite a pretty lady~ what if I steal you from him?" He pulled me to his lips.

My eyes widened with shock. I felt him smirk into the kiss. For some reason, I was unable to push him away.

"And what a twist of events! Illusion-Kim seems to be acting on his own!"

Still frozen, I felt something stab my leg. Kim pulled away and smirked. His free hand morphed into a knife. He shoved me to the ground. I felt the floor of the stadium shake.
A gigantic rock appeared from behind me. It was more-overly a boulder scooped from the ground.
A female who seemed to be in her teen years coldly glared at me. It was as if I was staring into a mirror. Her lilac-white hair followed the boulder. Her out-stretched arm controlled the large rock. Her cold icey-blue eyes sent a scary message.
I was still glued to the ground.

Get up!

The boulder was dropped on my still-figure. Pain shot through my body, but my face didn't show any signs of weakness however.
"Not enough for ya?" Bihiva cooed.

No.. Please stop..

"Then I guess I'll keep going!"

I kept being taunted with pain with me still glued to the ground.

"Stop the match!"
A bell rang through the stadium before the team stopped. Somehow, they disappeared into thin-air. Probably that shadow magic.

My body shook. Cries of pain still didn't escape. My bruised and beaten legs felt numb. Purple and blue stung my arms, legs, torso and face. Heavy, ragged breathing escaped my lungs.
As I felt my body being lifted bridal-style, I winced at the pain.
"Sorry.." Natsu said. I could tell that he was angry.
He carried me out the arena. As we passed Blood Parade's stand I heard him say out loud,

"Don't torture someone to the point where they don't know what is pain anymore," His glare said a thousand words. A million feelings.
Chuckles left the member's lips but with Natsu having me as top priority, he ignored them and took me to the infirmary. He put me on a bed with him sitting on a stool next to the bed. The atmosphere turned cold. I felt an angry aura from Natsu.


"Hm?" I barely said with the last of my strength.

"Why didn't you pull away?" His tone was still poisonous.

"What?" I said, still clutching the sheets.

"Goddamnit Y/N! Why didn't you pull away from that guy! He kissed you!"

"I couldn't.. I couldn't move," I said. I barely made any noise however. I doubt he heard.

"What? Just.. Save it," he left the room.

Natsu is angry at you! And the Izaya look-alike kissed you! What do you do?


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