Grand Magic Games // Day 2 Challenge

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Your POV

"Welcome back ladies and gentleman to the second day of the Grand Magic Games!"

"Before we start, let's check our ranks!"

"1. Blood Parade - 30 points

2. Fairy Tail - 28 points

3. Sabertooth - 26 points

4. Lamia Scale - 24 points

5. Blue Pegasus - 12 points

6. Mermaid Heel - 10 points,"

They didn't mention us.. Both Twilight Ogre and Quatro Cerberus sweat-dropped.
Ever since Wendy completely healed me last night, Natsu has been getting more and more distant... He speaks to me as little as possible and if we ever made eye-contact, he would either glare or break it. There is always this stinging feeling in my stomach whenever he would do so.

"Anyways, let's get to the exciting stuff! Today's challenge is called 'Clone'! Clone is quite like 'Hidden' from a few years ago. Competitors will face off in a direct battle, however, there will be clones of each other spread out on the field! Now, these clones aren't exactly like 'Hidden's clones whereas they stay still. In this challenge, the clones will be moving and could attack you but if you hit back, you will lose a point. If you hit the real competitor, you will gain a point. The mage with the most points wins!" The host declared.
Cheers and whistles washed throughout the stadium.

"I will participate in this challenge," Erza stepped forward with a confident tone. No one argued, knowing that she would easily get the job done.

"From Fairy Tail, we have Erza Scarlet!" The host said in his mature voice.
"As for Blood Parade, allow Kim Touhou into the arena!" A series of cheers and whistles broke out through the stadium.
"From Sabertooth, Rogue Cheney!"

The host continued to introduced the rest of the participants.
But before the host can continue his words, a sudden roar erupted from the coast.

Every one covered their ears, guarding themselves from the mighty cry.
"What was that?" Gray asked. "More like who was that.." Erza continued.

"It's him," Natsu said with a strict tone.
"Who?" The team was left with questions.

"There's not doubt about it.... It's him. The King of dragons..

I finished Natsu's words before he can.

I jumped from the ground and onto the rim of the arena. An overwhelmingly large, black dragon emerged from the coast. Citizens of the city evacuated their homes and headed for the opposite direction of the dragon.
"What is he doing here?!" Wendy panicked. "Probably seeking something.. And definitely something powerful," Jellal ran up to us.

"But what could that be?" Erza asked, intrigued by the dragons goal. "We can't be sure yet," I said. I  yanked off my coat.

Acnologia blasted homes and front lining guards with a plasmatic energy.
"What should we do?!"
"Our best bet-- Hey! Where is Y/N?!"
I separated myself from the group.


"Y/N.. If I left you.. What would you do?"
"I'd look for you of course,"
"And why is that?" My father, Acnologia looked at me with his pale blue orbs. He usually turns into his human form in these situations.
"Why are you asking?" I raised an eyebrow. "I'm just curious," He said.
"Well... It's because you're one of the last people I can call my family," I answered. "Ah I see.."

As the next day rolled around, Acnologia was no where to be found. "Father?" I looked around, searching for a large dragon or a tanned bluenette. "Hello?"
Nothing. Well, it was nothing until I found a purple raven with a paper in its claws. I took the paper from it.

Dear my lovely daughter Y/N

I am greatly sorry for leaving you. It would of been too dangerous to be around you any longer. If I stayed, you would most likely been killed. I'm sorry for all of it, please forgive me. That's if, you could find it in your heart to forgive me. But my last request before I end this letter, please join a guild and find a new family. I'm sure there is someone out there to make you happier than I could ever do.
Thank you for everything,
Good bye, my dragon princess

Your father, Acnologia.

Then it clicked. Why he asked me that question. Why he taught me this magic. Was it all for this moment in time?

Flashback end.

I shook my head out of the memory and headed to the dragon. I jumped from a building and onto his face. His face was much larger than my own body but he was quickly able to notice me. "Father! What are you doing?" Acnologia didn't reply, he just shook me off. As my body collided with a building, I suddenly felt weak. What am I doing? Why can't I just attack him?
"Y/N!" Lucy exclaimed. My eyes widened as my father blasted the blond and the team that followed her with his magic.
I started sprinting towards them. "Lucy! You idiot!" I scolded. "You're the idiot for leaving without us!" Natsu growled.
"I can take care of him on my own! Magma-brain!" I scowled. "Then why can't you do it right here right now?!" Natsu yelled with a poisonous tone. I flinched.
I clenched my fists, scared to hurt my father. "Well?" Natsu narrowed his eyes. I outstretched my arm, pointing my hand at the dragon. A ball of energy, familiar to Acnologia's built.

Natsus POV

My eyes slightly widened at the sight of Y/N's energy. I dismissed a thought that popped into my head as rubbish before I could actually express it on my face. As she fired the beam, she missed. Not by just a few inches or metres. By 'missed' I meat five buildings. "What the hell was that? The thing is huge! How could have you missed?! You are being absolutely useless!" I yelled. Erza walked up to me and smacked my head. "There is no time for arguing!" She required into her Black Wings armour and headed off. The rest of the team left with worry printed onto their faces, unlike me having a face that expressed anger. Y/N however, stayed on the building we were arguing on.

Your POV

I stood there. Completely taken aback. Comments like that wouldn't exactly affect me. But.. For some damn reason.. When Natsu said it.. It felt as if hundreds.. Possibly thousands of knives stabbed my heart and dunked me into a sea of vinegar and lemon juice.

My throat went dry. I won't disappoint this time..

I sighed and headed to Acnologia. I charged up my magic again. The amount of magic used was scary. It was as large as the size of Acnologia's head. The overwhelming amount of magic energy could wipe out a city. I clenched my open hand which sent it flying towards the black dragon. The magic had no effect however. And then I remembered. I just gave away my identity.

"Y/N..." Lucy started.

"A-are you....

Are you Acnologia's daughter?"

K so I couldn't remember every ones names cuz it has been ages since I watched Fairy Tail and I couldn't be bothered watching the GMG arc again..
Also everyone has been begging for a chapter ever since I published that Valentine's Day thing. So here.. Nerds... t(•_•).
Jk. Thanks for supporting me XD

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