My Biggest Regret

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Natsu's POV

"A-are you Acnologia's daughter?" Lucy questioned, tears brimming her eyes. Y/N returned her words with a dark scowl. She spun around and ran away. "That coward!" I snarled.
"Natsu!" Erza frowned. I exhaled angrily and turned back to the huge dragon. As soon as I did so, a blast of light was pointed straight at Lucy.
"Lucy!" I jumped from where I was standing. However, I was too late and it hit her before I could do anything.
I landed onto the roof she was on and checked her. "I-I'm okay N-Natsu," She said. Obviously lying of course. She has visibly injuries and she struggled to sit up. I looked over at Y/N who just stood far away. "Tch. Lucy, it'll be okay.. Just be careful," I said kindly, helping her up. "Um.. I'll try, Natsu,"

Your POV

I stood by, charging up my magic energy again as I lost more than 78% when I tried to hit Acnologia. I clenched my fists. Dammit Natsu! Can't you see I'm struggling to think right now?!
I scolded inside my head.

Third Person POV

The other guilds sprung into action as well, attacking Acnologia. However, the dragon was just as powerful, taking each of the guild's aback. "Well.. This took a strange turn.." Arvial cooed. "Are you going to do anything?" Kuro asked. "Nah.. Let's see how things play out."

"Dammit.. This thing is no lie," Sting tried to get himself back onto two legs. "Sting.." Rogue gave a quick look at Sting. The blond nodded and understood. By will, the twins turned into their dragon force.

"Unison Raid!" Both of the dragon slayers yelled, sending a powerful energy towards Acnologia. But for some reason, they were unable to do anything.

"What the?!"
"That's impossible.. Has he gotten stronger?"

The echoes of everyone's cries of help, pain or surprise screamed into Y/N's ears. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She mumbled. Y/N held her ears, trying to block out the screams.

Everyone is counting on you~

And you're doing nothing about it.

Voices. They teased. They put her down. And she had enough.

Y/N's eyes went a pristine shade of white. Her once H/C locks faded into a matching white along with her S/C turning into a pale blue. Cobalt abstract lines grew from her back and onto her face in a symmetrical pattern. Dragon like wings sprout from her back along with a tail. Y/N.. The Black Lynx.. Now in her 'Y' dragon force.

Natsu along with the rest of the team and guilds took notice of Y/N's transformation. Her magical power grew off the charts. Her presence was intimidating and just being five buildings away from her was frightening.

Blood Parade was shocked about Y/N's change. As they all taunted and broke her yesterday, she suddenly has the will to fight back?

As she looked up at Acnologia, a dead look on her face screamed hundreds of millions of words. Each telling a story.

"I'm not weak.. I'm not useless.." She whispered.

"You. You're the enemy!" The Saint Wizard stalked up to Acnologia who stopped as soon as she changed. Y/N looked at Acnologia but snapped her eyes to the Blood Parade guild. "You.."

Arvial smirked.
"You're the one that started this,"

"I'm glad you noticed.. Tell me.. How did you find out?"

"Playing dumb won't get you anywhere,"


Searching everywhere for Acnologia, Y/N grew tired. She sat herself down and looked at the ground weakly. The H/Cnette froze suddenly. A being with familiar power to her's was nearby.
"Haha.. That's cute but I don't recall having a daughter," a man emerged from the scattered shadows of the trees.
"Who are you?"
"You don't remember me? I'm hurt~" the man held his chest in a dramatic matter.
Y/N imagined different figures she encountered in her past next to him, comparing.
"H-hold on.." She pictured the man who bought her. He looked the same. But it was different. The man looked much older and not to mention shorter. 
"He is my father~" the young man currently in front of Y/N smirked.
"Who are you?"
"Arvial Gakuen... Son of Kiryo Gakuen... In other words.. I am your step brother,"

My step brother? But.. My mother stayed with my Father the whole time.. Father was her first and last lover.. Y/N contemplated.

"Your mother was quite the whore if I do say so myself," (P!ATD FANS STAY BACK)
"What are you saying?!" She yelled.
"It's unladylike for a girl to yell~" Arvial sang.
"Shut up!"
"Now now little robin~ Come here~ your step-father is waiting for us~"
"What the? Get away from me!" The girl started sprinting away.
"How troublesome,"

Flashback end.

The dragon behind us let out a roar which tore buildings from their hinges. The mages held their ears in pain.
"AGH SHUT UP!" Y/N screamed. The world went from an ear-bleeding roar to a cloudy, heaven-like environment. It was all silent.

The salamander looked up at Y/N.
"I know that we just met a few months ago and you probably.. Hate me," She croaked out, back still facing him.
"Just know.. I love you," as she turned, Natsu watched her tears cascade down her face.
"Y-Y/N?" He reached out to hold her hand, only to have his hand fall through.
The world turned back into it's normal atmosphere however, Blood Parade, Acnologia and Y/N were no where to be seen.

What happened?

Did we just fight something?

I feel like my memories have been wiped.

Y/N, the Black Lynx, the Seventh Saint Wizard, has passed along with the memories of Acnologia ever appearing in the city.

However for Team Natsu, they were the only ones who remembered everything.
"Y/N," Natsu broke into tears as he came back to his conscious.

"Dammit.. Why was I so stubborn?"

Sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense ;_;
THANKS FOR 400+ votes. I CANT.

Break These Chains Natsu x Emotionless!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now