Grand Magic Games // Day 1 Challenge

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Third person POV

"Welcome everyone to the first day of the GRAND MAGIC GAMES!" The pumpkin headed host sang into the microphone.
A large amount of cheers erupted throughout the stadium. Everyone waved their flags for the guild they support.
"At eighth place, we have: Quatro Ceberus!" Hardly any cheers followed. The only sound that accompanied the host's statement was, "WILD-"
"FOUR!!!" No cheers.
"For seventh, Twilight Ogre!" No cheers.
"Alright..." The host starts.
"At sixth place, welcome: Mermaid Heel (or Heal idk) to the stadium!" Cheers broke out.
A team of six females strolled in with confident smirks.
"For fifth, welcome the fabulous, the beautiful, Blue Pegasus!" As a team of six entered the stage, cries of fangirls rang through the entire stadium. Ugh. Pretty boys... Y/N groaned inside her mind.
"Now for fourth, let the team of Lamia Scale into the stadium!" Another powerful cheer and another powerful looking team strolled into the arena.
"In third, welcome the former best wizard guild; Sabertooth!" A strong looking team stalked their way onto the stage. They had intimidating looks. Not as if they were going to kill someone, more like they are going to win.
"And for second, let the grand and victorious, Fairy Tail into the stadium!" Cheers, clapping and whistles were coming and going at an unbelievable volume.
"And now, let's welcome this guild that has recently been made this year... Blood Parade!" More loud cries stretched through the entire stadium.
A group of six filled into the stadium. If the intense atmosphere of Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus wasn't enough, Blood Parade is the one that will definitely get the hairs on the back of your neck. Their presence was eerie.
The once again, familiar looking male smirked at their sudden growth in popularity. The male had bleached white hair with pink highlights. (Looks like Saeran from Mystic Messenger)

"Okay! As our fellow teams get to their stands, let us introduce your first challenge!" A sphere shaped cloud entered the stadium.
"Kind of like last Grand Magic Game's challenge, you will be fighting in this sphere of air! If you are knocked out, you are out of the round! However, this time, there is a twist! You will be switching magic with your opponents! You will not know until you enter the cloud and of course, your original magic will return! Now choose a member of your team for this challenge!" The teams nominated. Fairy Tail decided to go with Lucy, considering the fact that Celestial Spirit magic isn't easy when you first learn it. Who are we kidding, any magic is hard when you start.
"Each team has now selected their member!"
"For Blue Pegasus, Hibiki Lates!" Squealing fangirls cried through the entire stadium. The Blue Pegasus team just nominated Hibiki just because his magic is the most useless, of course, they didn't say that, but they did nominate him for that reason.
"As for Lamia Scale, welcome Lyon Vastia!" Encouraging fans of Lamia Scale threw 'modest' comments around.
"Arana Webb from Mermaid Heel!" The host said as a wave of applauses swiftly swung through the stadium.
"The powerful yet beautiful Yukino Agria!" As the flustered silver-head entered, a series of encouraging statements were made.
"From the current best guild in Fiore, Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail!" Loud and brilliant cheers escaped everyone from the stadium, even the people who supported other guild's.
"As for Fairy Tail's competition we have Akade Shide from Blood Parade!" A male who seemed to be in his teens appeared. His hair was crimson with one golden eyes while the other was icey blue.
'They didn't acknowledge us....' Both Twilight Ogre and Quatro Cerberus groaned in their minds.
Each contestant entered the sphere shaped cloud with serious glares.


The male who went by Akade Shide was quick to act. Shards of ice appeared in front his palm, later flying off, knocking both of Quatro Cerberus and Twilight Ogre's contestants out the cloud.
'So he has my magic aye?' Lyon smirked.
"And Quatro Cerberus and Twilight Ogre are both out!"
Yukino peered into her hand, as she was clutching something.
'Keys?' She investigated them quickly, soon to realise the keys weren't her's, they were Lucy's.
"Open! Gate of the Twins, Gemini!" Yukino was quick to act.
The two, tiny twins, known as Gemini appeared. Gemini didn't question Yukino, already knowing the rules of the game. Gemini turned into Wendy and started using the wind to their advantage, knocking Arana out of the game.
"Arana Webb and Mermaid Heel has now landed themselves in sixth place!"

Lucy quickly tried out her magic, nothing happened. Whilst distracted, Akade sent a sharp, shard of ice to Lucy's direction.
"Lucy! Look out!" Natsu screamed, snapping Lucy out of her distraction. The blond moved out of the way, but due to slightly slow timing, the shard skimmed her face lightly, forming a cut. Blood dribbled down her cheek.
Unconsciously, Lucy tried using her magic again, soon to realise that she could control blood. Unfortunately due to the minimal amount of blood, she frowned. Out of desperation, she stretched her palm, in hopes of the amount of blood would increase, which is what happened.
The blood formed a large arm and claw.

Blood Make Magic.

The claw attacked Lyon, who was trying to knock Hibiki out of the arena. Hibiki fought Lyon back with someone who seemed to look like Libra. Lucy observed the fact that Lyon is almost out of the arena from the balance and gravity pushing him down, so instead she went for Hibiki. Just before Lyon was knocked out of the challenge, the blood-claw stricken Hibiki, getting him out before Lyon. Obviously after being knocked out of the competition, Libra was sent back to the Celestial Spirit world. As the silver haired male tried to float back up, he used webs in an attempt to attack someone. Of course, Lucy used her 'Lucy Kick' to kick him out of the cloud.
"Blue Pegasus, fifth, Lamia Scale, fourth!" Each guild ranked.

The identical Wendy bit back and used her magic to try and push Akade out. Withstanding, he gave a confident, shit-eating smirk to Yukino.
"I'm sorry Yukino-chan!" Lucy formed a cube around Yukino and threw her out of the arena. Wend-Gemini disappeared.

Akade floated to the top of the sphere and formed a cage around Lucy. He is obviously good at using Ice Make Magic, thanks to having Blood Make Magic as his original.
The redhead made mace's, swords and hammers pointing towards Lucy. With no time wasted, each of the weapons flew towards Lucy. Out of reflex, a shield formed around her. It was a shield powerful enough to hold off of the weapons, but Lucy used to much magic power to hold it up. Akade gave another smirk at the sight of Lucy's tired form. He widened his hand, then clutched it powerfully. He made another cage for Lucy out of ice, this time it was much stronger and lighter. The Blood-Make Mage swung Lucy around as if she were a rag doll, hitting her on different ice walls he made. When he got bored, he threw Lucy out of the sphere entirely, dropping her harshly on the ground.
"How pathetic, falling to your knees too early?"
Natsu jumped off of his platform and  sprinted towards Lucy. He carried her bridal-style and didn't even bother sparing a glance to Akade. Fairy Tail gave Blood Parade dirty looks.
"Uh.. With Fairy Tail as second, Blood Parade wins today's challenge!" The host tried to brighten up the mood.

Edit: I realised that autocorrect hated me. That was pretty embarrassing.
It's kind of.. Eh. I decided not to include the individual battles this chapter and decided to release it for the next chapter do I could update it more quickly.

Blood Parade Team

Arvial Gakuen || Magic: Secret
Akade Shide || Magic: Blood Make Magic
Kuro Shintaro || Magic: Shadow control
Tayuka Sarbiel || Magic: Puppets
Kim Touhou || Magic: Morphing
Bihiva Lucia || Magic: Illusions? (Well kind off, they can hit you and you would feel pain, but it won't actually affect physical health)

Also, who would you like Reader-chan to battle? Let me know in the comments ^^

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

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