Grand Magic Games // Day 1 AfterMath

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Your POV

I stare at the ground with a lost glare. I'm still in the infirmary. What is going on out there?
"Y/N?," Lucy croaked as she opened the door. She is still surprisingly in good shape after her beat-up from Akade. She healed quite fast.
"What do we place?" I said with the strength that slowly came back.

"Well after your match, Wendy and Erza went out... They both won so we have twenty eight points," The celestial spirit wizard started.
"We are currently in second with Blood Parade in front with thirty points,"
I nodded, taking in the information. "Who's in third?"
"Sabertooth with twenty six points (idk how I got that but shhhhh),"
I nodded again, mouthing an 'okay'.

I moved into a sitting position on the bed. "Y/N! You should take a rest!" Lucy defended.
"Are you calling me incapable?"
Lucy froze in her steps.

"N-no! Not at all.. I'm just doing what I was told to d-do,"

I shook my head and stood up, making it look like I am in no pain at all. But my body felt like shaking and breaking apart.

"Where is the team?"
"At Honey-Bone," (that's the bar-name.. Right?.. Correct me if I'm wrong)

I nodded and picked up my cloak before draping the clothing over my shoulders. My legs still felt like they were pleading for mercy but they were slightly better after Wendy healed it a little.
I walked out of the infirmary with a minimal amount of words said. Pulling my hood over my head, I walked to the house we're staying at.

I sat down on my bed and pulled my knees to my chest. I buried my face into my knees with the most unexpected thing to happen. I was crying.

It wasn't the one were you cry out curses or scream-yell. It was just quiet. No one could hear my sobbing either. The tears just followed down my cheeks. In all honesty, I was quite surprised by this sudden action.

Is this real?

I was wishing someone could just walk inside the room and see these tears.. Why though? I wiped away the tears and as soon as I did so, it stopped.
The rest of team Natsu entered the room. Natsu sent a scowl while the others run up to me.
"Are you okay?" Erza asked. I nodded. "How did you lose?" Gray asked.
"It was an unfair match that took me by surprise," I said with the dullest tone ever. The team got the message by my choice of tone and words that I just wanted to be left alone. Which was completely wrong. I wanted them to ask more questions.. 


I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't care if this is short AF.
Satan's waterfall has come to haunt meeeeeeee.

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