Four Months?!

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Lucy's POV

I frown looking at my friend who won three places above me. Do I have the right to feel like this? She is my friend, I shouldn't feel jealousy or anger towards her. Y/N was a beautiful girl, almost too beautiful that I wish I stopped Mira-chan from taking Y/N's cloak. My lips go back to a smile when Y/N looks at me. What made me feel.. Strange.. Was.. The joy that was evident in her eyes. Her face showed no sense of happiness but her eyes showed content. It made me stop feeling my jealousy towards her. I'm glad she's happy and I'm glad she could barely show it.

I want to stop feeling this anger.

The dragon-slayer followed begin me as we walked back to everyone else. We exchanged more compliments and congratulations.
"Since three people of Team Natsu won in the top four, how about we celebrate!" Master walked towards us with a content smile. Everyone's eyes besides Y/N glinted in excitement.


Everyone is making a mess in a bar we reserved for the night. Mira, Levy, Y/N and I prayed that we won't take down the entire bar. The waiters and bartenders look scared, hoping they would be in one piece when we finish partying. Natsu rushed over to Y/N.
"HEY Y/N! WANNA GET SOMETHING TO EAT?!" What The Salamader said pained me. I wish I was the one he asked. I wish Y/N didn't exis- no.. Don't think that..
The said Saint Wizard nodded slowly as  the salmon haired dragon-slayer yanked onto her wrist and brought her to a table. I watch as Natsu and Y/N talk to each other. They looked as if they were on a date. Natsu occasionally gave laughs or grins while Y/N exchanged a few words while nodding in agreement with Natsu's words. Everything hurt. I want to be Y/N. To have Natsu's attention, to be able to talk with him, to have him laugh at my statements.
My thoughts vanished as a certain bluenette hugged me from behind.
"Lu-chan! Do you want to take a walk? You seem a little tense.." Levy-chan smiled.


"What's wrong? Whenever Natsu is with N/N-chan, you look angry.." The shorter female said.
"Well,. I guess I'm jealous.." Knowing she would point it out sooner or later, I gave it away.
"Pretty self explanatory.." Levy stared into the night sky. The stars gleamed and shone.


Your POV

Almost everyone was wasted. God knows who gave alcohol to Wendy.
I sigh and drift asleep in my chair.

Next morning.

Everyone made sure the bar looked clean before returning back to Magnolia. Natsu started wheezing with his head stuck outside the window.
"Saaaavvvee meeeeee" animated tears cascaded down his cheeks.
"Shut it, salamander." I growl at his weak figure.
"Aww. Of all times, you choose to be mea- " he was cut off by throwing up out the window.

I will admit, whenever he acts childish, its adorable, but it isn't attractive. I'm aware of the fact that Lucy likes Natsu and I don't want to steal the dragon-slayer from her either. It just depends on Natsu's choice and fate.

I look out the window, hungry. I frown to myself and let out a quiet yawn. We hardly had much time to sleep due to how late our party went and the fact that the train to Magnolia was going to depart at six in the morning.

The alcohol that Cana gave me is still lingering in my mouth. How the hell does she drink this shit all day? Apologies for my language. The bittersweet taste fumed in my mouth and it was the last thing I wanted to taste. Whenever I breathed through my mouth, I inhaled a little bit of the disgusting liquid. Not to mention, everyone in the goddamn trailer smelt like booze. Oh Mavis, save me from this smell that's invading my nostrils. I do my best to keep a straight face as the smell washed all over.

Natsu's POV

I looked up at Y/N who seems to be struggling to fight off something. There are pros and cons for having dragon-slayer smelling skills. One of the cons is having to smell a disgusting smell. I watch as she rolled down her window for some fresh air.

"Would any one you like something to eat?" A kind looking maiden smiles at our group.

"Can I have some fire?" I ask with curiosity.

"Fire?" I nod at her questioning look, trying to get the point that I'm fully serious about my abnormal request.

"Uuuh, sure.. Would anyone else like something?"

"Can I have F/F?" Y/N looked away from the window and to the woman.

"Okay, does anyone else want something?"

"Yes, can I have eight strawberry cakes?"


"Don't question Erza-san, can I have caramel mousse? And Gray wants a snow cone, I'm sure that's it.."

"Okay, I will get your orders soon.." The maiden retreats back to the kitchen to tell the chefs our orders.

"So, you know how we get to get a free reserved place in the Grand Magic Games?" Everyone nods.

"When is the Grand Magic Games?"

"In four months.." Y/N flatly said from her corner.

"Four Months?!"

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