Day 1

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Today I started my first day at a new school I was switched to. Honestly I didn't really want to go and the anxiety made it all worse. When I got there I got a little nervous but then went on to not care like I did when I went to private school. I went to the students resources room n checked in with this lady n give her a note explaining my absence. (I missed like two weeks of school) she took me w another lady that made my schedule and assigned a girl to show me around. Honestly there's so many turns n hallways I was so confused like a maze.  I also realized that public schools move much slower than private. They haven't gotten to the whole I'd picture n assigning lockers thing. 

     So I went on to first period and it was geometry. The teacher was teaching about angles and all that stuff I already knew. Right when I got in there I noticed that most don't really want to learn or even be there (I didn't) but that class was nothing and I just went on n did the assignment the teacher assigned.

      On second period which was English, I talked to this teacher she seemed older and she gave me an assignment from Friday. Once the bell rang and all the kids were in she called all the kids to the hallway  and we dragged our desks there. There were about 5 other kids that werent there Friday. She told us to write 5 paragraphs on success and if it's a talent or u work for it.  The kid next to me started talking to me asking my name n all. He seems cool. I went to elementary school w him. Then the girl next to him asked me things too.  I spent the rest of the time trying to focus on writing but it's hard when u just get back n when people are talking to u.  

    My third class was science and it was loud in there everyone was talking. I sat next to this kid n just waited for the teacher to start talking. One of the kids a seat in front of me asked for my grade n I answered.  The teacher handed out workbooks n gave us an assignment. I did it n turned it in.  That same kid started talking to me n his friends in front of me.  He named people from the school I use to go to n I remembered  that my best friend would always talk about him n the things he would do at youth. I kind of embarrasssed him I guess n lowered his ego when I started telling him few things my friend said about him like being a fuck boy n getting girls numbers n trying to get my username. His friends laughed at how true that was. Then I found out that an older friend I use to go to school with is in that class. 

     I went on to my fourth period which was law Ed and she helped me get there. We caught up in some things. I go there n I could tell those kids were all older there were few of them tho. I sat on whatever desk I saw n right when I sat down this kid asked for my grade n then this other kid said sum bout how he tryna get sum or something I can't remember. The girl told me to not listen to them. The teacher talked to me n moved me then when on to teaching about laws and legislature and all that stuff.  

     In fifth period I had social studies I guess and I found my cousin there this other girl called me to sit w her n I didn't know her but she seemed nice. We learned about older remains and how these two people found a human body named Lucy in Africa however her features were different she had bigger eye sockets and a smaller head and was 4ft tall. The kids so far had seemed helpful a kid next to me gave me his book n took another. I thought maybe not everyone is an asshole lol.  

   I caught up with my cousin and turned out she was going to lunch too. There I saw that there's lots of kids and I found my friend from earlier and another from middle school. We got our food and went in a booth to eat. Two other girls came in and sat w us they seemed cool.  I like them. 

    Lunch ended and I went to my 6th class which was health and I sat down. The teacher seemed like a good one and it felt good in there since the school doesn't have all air conditioning. I even got cold.  The kids all seemed from different grades like on every class.  We learned about personalities and reactions. This girl in front of me that came in late I guess maybe she wasnt feeling good. She talked to me in the end and seemed nice. 

    I walked to gym and it was hot in there I expected AC but nope. I talked to the sub that was filling in today. They played soccer but me n these other girls didn't wanna. I talked to two of these girls that are in my grade. They both seemed like good friends who don't get u in trouble.  The sub made the girls write a sentence 100 times but I didn't since it my first day. It was okay.  

    Overall I guess I found it okay. I noticed the differences between public n private. The teachers aren't as mad and most of the kids do their work. There's less drama in private too. I heard two stories about two girls doing nasty things. And everyone talking about it. It seems normal for guys to disrespect them and talk.  Basically be all about sex. I already knew that and expected this in public schools. It's rare when u hear a story like that in private school and a big deal there. And there's kids who are there to graduate and be someone. The majority don't care about school. I say my day was better than I thought. But the school is exactly what I imagined. This sums up my first day

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