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"Lilly can you please go make a frozen pizza for your brother?"

I walked into the kitchen and made one. Then i just kinda sat there for a minute. I couldn't stand how much they were babying him. I understand a little bit it's like bad how much they are. I'm surprised he can chew his own food. I walked over to the back door and looked into the yard. I noticed the before locked doors where unlocked. I unlocked the back door, opened it and walked outside. I walked over the doors and pulled the doors open. A huge smell of sewer filled my nose. A spider crawled out and a bunch of dust was everywhere. It was really dark down there but it didn't look like it was our basement. I went back inside and grabbed a flashlight out of the kitchen then snuck back out. Each step made a creek and I was scared one was gonna brake. When I reached the bottom I had a headache from the horrible smell. It was small down there. A few tables and some weird stuff on the tables. There was a bunch of pills, some old little kid toys, a few tools, some books, and a bunch of cob webs. the other stuff I really couldn't tell what it was. One book caught my eye and I opened it.

"The book of paranormal" read the cover. I flipped threw a few pages and I heard a noise. I picked up the book and held it in my arms and tuned around.


A shadow came out.

"Get out." A girls voice came with a sharp hiss. I took off up the stairs and one stair broke. I fell threw and pulled my foot back up and got out. I slammed the big doors behind me and ran into the house. Who was down there? I didn't see anyone...

"Mom I put the pizza in the oven I'm going upstairs" I quickly walked threw the living room up to the stairs trying to hid the book.

Once I got into my room I laid on the floor and flipped threw the pages. I reliezed there was adresses. On a lot of pages there was red marks that were "x" on houses. I found my address.

"1234 lolly drive.

A boy 13 years old killed himself. Hung himself in the back yard with the big tree. His name was Liam Doxson. He lived there with his mom, dad, little brother, and little sister. After his death the family couldn't afford to move. The sister lost her mind. She cut her arms and wrote "goodbye" in blood on the basement floor. She found a way into the wall and took a whole bunch of pills."

"Holy shit" I whispered to myself.

"The dad went crazy after that and had to go to the hospital. The mom lost her mind and locked her self in the cellar in the backyard and would not come out. By the time the police found her she was dead. The little brother is still alive."

My heart was pounding fast and a horrible smell went threw my nose, and got super cold.

"I though I scared you enough. Now I have to worse" the same girl voice played threw my ears as I jumped into my bed and just sat there. In shock. A sharp pain went threw my sides and I yelled. No one came up. Eventually I fell the floor and layed there in pain for about 30 min until I passed out. And woke up with a ying yang sign on my side.. Burned into me.

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