Chapter 3 She's Mine

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*Your POV*

I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. It had been about a month since the Joker had abducted me that night at the bar and I had no way to contact anyone from before that night. I was beginning to get terribly bored stuck in this mansion, even if it was large. The Joker had allowed me to be out in the yard which of course was kept from the public eye. He claimed he was keeping me safe but it was just getting ridiculous. I missed Nathan, and my brothers and despite my hate for m parents I wondered how they were doing, I wondered if they were worried about me. A sharp knock on my door interrupted my thoughts, followed by a slurring voice. "(Y/N), doll? Are you decent?"

"Yes!" I called to him as the door opened. "You would have came in anyways." I glared at him sitting up.

"I have more class than you think." He responded smugly.

"Whatever." I respond. "What is it?"

"I wanted to take you out... Terribly boring here without me and I wont be here all day, so you're coming with me."

"W-where are we going?" I ask suddenly uneasy.

"I have a meeting." He said casually, "and, if we're going to be partners, you need to know the basics."

"Partners?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. Now get ready doll." He left the room then popped his head back in briefly. "Wear something cute."


We arrived at a large building, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. I found it quite odd that none of jokers bodyguards came with us. The Joker came around to open my door then placed his hand on my shoulder, leading me to the entrance, probably concerned that I would try to leave. Even if I wanted to leave there was nowhere for me to go. The Joker was the only person, if you could call him that, around that I felt safe with right now. Well, him and Travis. Joker had assigned him to guard me while he was away, but when I wasn't with Travis, I was with Joker.

"Behave darling." He whispered as we approached two men in front of the doors. "afternoon gentlemen." He began. "I brought my new recruit."

"Very good sir." One man said as they let us pass.

We walked into a large room the people in the room immediately stood turning their attention toward us. I noticed a man tied up in the corner and nervously glanced at the Joker. "Mr. J?" I asked quietly.

"Mmmm?" He turned his attention towards the hostage. "oh, I have some.. unfinished business with this man." He announced slowly making his way towards the man cowering in the corner. He bent down and ripped the tape of the mans mouth and he screamed for help. "Shhhh... shh shh..." The Joker cooed stroking his hair. "I'm not gonna hurt ya." He began. "All you have to do is tell me what you did to upset me sweet sweet (Y/N)." He gestured to me and moved out of the way, enough for me to properly see him. Oh my god. It couldn't be. Jackson. I thought back to that night, the night it all happened.


"Don't you dare fucking leave you slut! Of course you're going to a bar with him on a night I'm working!" Jackson screamed in my face. Jackson was my boyfriend before all of this happened. We never officially broke up, but I thought it was clear after that night I never wanted to see him again. I probably would have just went crawling back to him if it wasn't for the Joker.

"Nathan is my friend! And you know he's with Sarah and would never come onto me! Do you expect me to sit at home all night while you work?"

"Yeah, I do! and Sarah is pretty and not a fucking hoe like you! Does Sarah know that you and your friend have been sleeping together?" Thats when I lost it.

"I'm not cheating on you..." I mumbled. "I- I'm not like you..." and started crying. He screamed in frustration and kicked me hard in the shin, causing me to fall. Which is why I also kept falling after I had met the Joker. I Howled in pain and tried to get away as he came after me. "I promise I'm not!" I cried. "Please don't Jackson!"

He grabbed my hair pulling me up hard. "Don't be so fucking pathetic (Y/N). No one will ever love you like that. Be strong." He commanded throwing me by my hair at the wall. He continued stalking towards me as i managed to get up limping out of our house as quickly as possible. "Yeah! That's right you ugly bitch! run for help! never fucking come back you whore!"


Joker held out his hand as I took a step back. "now if you don't tell me what happened, I'm sure she will." He whispered in Jackson's ear. " And if she won't... It's just going to be up to my imagination to decide what would be the correct punishment."

*Jokers POV*

I watched (Y/N)'s expression change as she realized who the man was. I tracked down her friend Nathan and eventually found this low life. Nathan told me that he would often upset (Y/N), but he could never get her to tell him what happened. He told me that that night was specifically bad. that she showed up at the bar and he noticed her blood shot eyes and demand to know what was the matter. All she told him was that there was complications and her and Jackson broke up. I held out my hand as she took a step back. "now if you don't tell me what happened, I'm sure she will." I whispered in Jackson's ear. " And if she won't... It's just going to be up to my imagination to decide what would be the correct punishment." I laughed throwing my head back. "Come here doll." I said motioning (Y/N) to come towards me. She obeyed and I smiled.

"I- I don't know that you're talking about," Jackson lied. "I never did anything bad to her."

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" I screamed into a laugh and took a knife out of my belt. I swiftly cut the ropes off of Jackson. "You're free to go." I told him.
I watched as he slowly got up then moved quickly turning on (Y/N). "You will regret this slut." He spat as she cowered behind me.

"Ah, that's all I needed to hear." I smiled at him and jabbed my knife into his throat. "(Y/N) is mine, and I will make sure that you'll never hurt her again." I laughed as blood squirted onto my suit. He began to fall over and I removed my knife from him tossing his body aside. "If I hear of anyone even thinking about you that way again, their fate will be worse." I said to her and left the room, hearing some of my men calling after me.

*Your POV*

"Mr. J!" The men called after him.
I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. I had blood all over my black ripped jeans. I tried to speak but I couldn't, so I just followed the Joker out of the room. (N/A) is mine, and I will make sure that you never hurt her again. His words echoed through my head. Me and the Joker. I could picture it, a slight blush showing on my skin. I didn't notice him standing right in front of my, because I was lost in my thoughts and I ran right into him.

"Carful doll. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." He said twirling his bloodied knife in his hand. I backed up and he laughed softly. "Nah, ah, ha." He purred grabbing my arm pulling my body against his. I shivered feeling his breath against my neck as he traced his knife along my arm. It was lightly at first until I felt a sharp pain and I flinched feeling the knife dig into me. "If you can't take the pain, don't pretend to be brave..."

"M-Mr..." I stammered

"I told you." He cut you off. It's Joker." He dug the knife deeper into your at and you braced yourself against him in pain. He pulled his knife out of your arm and threw it behind him. "I want to make you mine..." He growled in your ear. "I don't want anyone else to hurt you!" He screamed pushing me away from him and punching a concrete wall.

I heard the sickening crack of bones. "Joker..." I said brining my hand up to my arm to try and stop the blood.

"Ugh..." He turned around and took off his already bloodstained jacket to wrap around my arm. "I don't want anyone hurting my Queen. Bastards like that deserve to die!" His laughter filled the room and it was at that moment I realized, that the Joker was literally insane.

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